Home » today » World » Russia’s response to NATO exercises – 2024-02-18 02:02:53

Russia’s response to NATO exercises – 2024-02-18 02:02:53

/ world today news/ The NATO exercise “Unwavering Defender 2024” begins and will continue until May.

According to NATO Commander-in-Chief General Christopher Cavoli, who is also the commander of the US armed forces in Europe, they will involve about 90 thousand military personnel, more than 50 ships – from aircraft carriers to destroyers, more than 80 fighter jets, helicopters and drones, and most a little over 1,100 combat vehicles, including 133 tanks and 533 infantry fighting vehicles. Sweden, which is on the verge of joining the Alliance, will also participate in the exercises.

As Cavoli reported, NATO’s response to a Russian attack will be worked out. According to the block itself, the last exercises of this scale were the “Reforger” maneuvers, held in 1988 with the participation of 125 thousand people, and “Fork of Trident” in 2018 with the participation of 50 thousand people.

Military expert Alexey Leonkov outlined in detail the situation with these exercises and emphasized that they will take place on the territory of Poland and partly in the Baltic states, as well as in the waters of the Baltic Sea.

There is a clear focus on Kaliningrad Oblast and the Republic of Belarus.

It is obvious that the ASU also participates indirectly in these Alliance exercises, but not in a simulated battle, but a real one.

Based on the geographical factor, NATO is very unhappy with the Republic of Belarus, whose territory acts as a strategic shelter that allows the Baltic states to be cut off from the rest of Europe, to reach Kiev, or to strike at the Polish border in Lutsk -Lviv direction, cutting off the main western logistics line for the Kyiv regime.

Against the background of these exercises and from the point of view of the development of the situation in Europe in the future, the deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus was a timely and correct step.

It is obvious that in connection with NATO’s “Unwavering Defender 2024” exercise, Russia and Belarus will take appropriate measures so that there is no desire for the exercise to turn into a real military operation.

The most optimal answer, in my opinion, would be exercises with real preparation for the use of tactical nuclear weapons from the territory of Belarus and the Kaliningrad region.

Transport tactical nuclear munitions from storage to delivery vehicles and be on high alert. Including engaging in deception and camouflage so that the exact location of the nuclear weapons is unknown.

Immediately show NATO that this is not Ukraine, a primitive Russian land where we have so far refrained from using nuclear weapons, but the territory of NATO countries. And also that this will not be a war with conventional means, but a nuclear one.

Increasing the combat readiness of strategic nuclear forces is also possible, but this may not be necessary. Or maybe it is.

Why so? Well, because the number of NATO allied forces is 3 million 200 thousand people, not counting the Armed Forces, which are actually also part of them. And we have no chance of breaking them by conventional means. Only with nuclear.

Here in Europe – mostly tactical. According to Great Britain, France – strategically, as countries with nuclear potential. Also strategic for the US.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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