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Russian Opposition Reveals Alleged Capture of Armored Personnel Carrier from FSB

Related video published on the evening of May 22 in Telegram RDK.

“We did not wait for sweet gifts from the Russian “opposition”, so we made a gift for ourselves. BTR-82A, for example,” the report says.

The video says that the RDK allegedly captured an armored personnel carrier of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

Some time later, in the Telegram of the “Russian Volunteer Corps” made public video of how his representative sealed the inscription Z on the APC with the symbols of the RDK.

“The moment of cleansing the gift from Zverna,” the video is signed.

At the same time, the Legion “Freedom of Russiapublished in the Telegram video, which shows the balls of the colors of his flag, launched in the capital of the Russian Federation.

“While we are fighting liberation battles in the border area, our flag flies in the center of Moscow. We continue to keep you informed. Russia will be free!” – the message says.

2023-05-22 18:42:39

#Russian #Volunteer #Corps #announced #capture #armored #personnel #carrier #FSB #Russian #Federation #Belgorod #region #flag #Legion #Freedom #Russia #appeared #sky #Moscow

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