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Russian mobilization and NATO maneuvers … Warnings of direct military confrontation

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Defense release

Kremlin He said the decision to send soldiers to Belarus "Part of a defensive operation"The Russian Defense Ministry said the move "dictated by the activity in progress in our vicinity".

maneuvers "nuclear deterrent"

  • Born Military exercises began "routine"Monday, to test its nuclear deterrence system in Europe.
  • The exercises include 14 of NATO’s 30 member states.
  • The maneuvers will include approximately 60 aircraft, including fighter jets, surveillance planes and others for refueling.
  • American long-range bombers participate in the maneuvers "B-52"which is called "Fast noon"Which will last until October 30th.
  • Fighters capable of carrying nuclear warheads are also involved, but do not contain live bombs.

In this context, military observers and experts warn it Russia and NATO "They are already closer than ever to a direct military collision"warning of the consequences of what is happening from a military build-up and counter maneuvers".

Russian passing accounts

This was stated by Russian expert on international relations, Timur Dowidar, in an interview with the website "Sky News Arabia":

  • "The Russian military force which is subsequently deployed BelarusIt is primarily defensive and deterrent, and is a preemption to any aggressive NATO moves against Russia and its ally Belarus.".
  • "It cannot be excluded that the Russian military presence on Belarusian soil may also be linked to Moscow’s own calculations and tactics in the Ukrainian field.".
  • "We are at a dangerous crossroads and all possibilities are open. Even if Moscow calls for peace and dialogue, the Atlantic bloc unfortunately insists on escalating and prolonging the war in Ukraine, especially by supporting Kiev with various forms of military aid and weapons.".

special report

On the other hand, Hassan Momani, military expert and professor of international relations and conflict resolution, stated in an interview with Sky News Arabia that:

  • "The deployment of these forces is the result of several factors, most notably the special relationship between Moscow and Minsk, in particular between Presidents Putin and Lukashenko.After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moscow continued to maintain close relations with the former republics Soviet, considering they are vital areas of influence for it.".
  • "Being the heir to the Soviet state, Russia believes it has the right to preserve its supreme interests and national security in its traditional vital areas, which were one of the most important reasons for the outbreak of the Ukrainian war.".
  • "The outbreak of the war in Ukraine and the expansion of NATO after the admission of Sweden and Finland to it have undoubtedly increased the importance of strengthening Russian-Belarusian cooperation, to curb Atlantic expansion, as the Baltic Sea is almost become a semi-Atlantic region, to the point that Russia is almost surrounded by NATO".

Will the scenario of Georgia and Crimea repeat itself?

This was underlined by the military expert "On the other hand, the deployment of their Russian soldiers in Belarus constitutes a clear growing message to NATO, that Moscow is taking a step forward in its quest to address the expansion of the Atlantic Alliance into Russia’s back gardens, and therefore the possibilities. of a Russian-Atlantic collision has become very probable.".

And he concludes his speech on the site "Sky News Arabia" Saying: "Russia Whenever he sees a tangible threat to his interests in his living spaces, he will intervene militarily, as happened in Georgia in 2008, as well as in Crimea in 2014 ”.


Defense release

Kremlin He said the decision to send soldiers to Belarus was “part of a defensive operation”, while the Russian Defense Ministry said the move was “dictated by the activity taking place in our vicinity”.“.

Nuclear deterrence maneuvers

  • Born On Monday it began “routine” military exercises to test its nuclear deterrence system in Europe.
  • The exercises include 14 of NATO’s 30 member states.
  • The maneuvers will include approximately 60 aircraft, including fighter jets, surveillance planes and others for refueling.
  • The US long-range bombers B-52, codenamed “Steed FastNone”, will participate in the maneuvers, which will last until 30 October..
  • Fighters capable of carrying nuclear warheads are also involved, but do not contain live bombs.

In this context, military observers and experts warn it Russia and NATO “They are already closer than ever to a direct military confrontation”, warning of the consequences of what is happening in terms of military build-up and counter-maneuvers.

Russian passing accounts

Russian international relations expert Timur Dowidar said in an interview with Sky News Arabia:

  • “Russian military power, which is subsequently deployed BelarusIt is primarily defensive and deterrent and is a preemption to any aggressive NATO moves against Russia and its ally, Belarus.
  • “It should not be excluded that the Russian military presence on Belarusian soil may also be linked to Moscow’s calculations and tactics in the Ukrainian field”.
  • “We are at a dangerous crossroads and all possibilities are open. Although Moscow demands peace and dialogue, the Atlantic blockade, unfortunately, insists on escalating and prolonging the war in Ukraine, especially by supporting Kiev with various forms of military and weapons .”

special report

On the other hand, Hassan Momani, military expert and professor of international relations and conflict resolution, stated in an interview with Sky News Arabia that:

  • “The deployment of these forces is the result of several factors, the most important of which is the special relationship between Moscow and Minsk, in particular between Presidents Putin and Lukashenko. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moscow remained eager to maintain close relations with the former Soviet republics, as vital areas of influence “.
  • “Being the heir to the Soviet state, Russia believes it has the right to preserve its supreme interests and national security in its traditional vital areas, which were one of the most important reasons for the outbreak of the Ukrainian war.”
  • The outbreak of the war in Ukraine and the expansion of NATO after the admission of Sweden and Finland to it have undoubtedly increased the importance of strengthening Russian-Belarusian cooperation, to curb Atlantic expansion, as the Baltic Sea is almost it has become a semi-Atlantic region, to the point that Russia is almost surrounded by NATO ”.

Will the scenario of Georgia and Crimea repeat itself?

The military expert points out that “the Russians, on the other hand, have deployed their soldiers in Belarus, constitutes a clear growing message to NATO, that Moscow is taking a step forward in its efforts to cope with the expansion of the Alliance. Atlantic behind Russia gardens, and thus the chances of a Russian-Atlantic collision have become very possible “.

He concludes his speech to “Sky News Arabia” by saying:Russia Whenever he sees a tangible threat to his interests in his living spaces, he will intervene militarily, as happened in Georgia in 2008, as well as in Crimea in 2014 ”.

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