Home » today » News » Russia was hanging by a thread in the spring of 2022: Delyagin indicated who was the savior – 2024-02-22 01:11:41

Russia was hanging by a thread in the spring of 2022: Delyagin indicated who was the savior – 2024-02-22 01:11:41

/ world today news/ Russia was on the brink of a severe economic crisis in the spring of 2022, when the West launched an unprecedented sanctions war. The name of the real savior, who prevented our country from falling into the abyss, was named by Mikhail Delyagin.

As soon as the New Year holidays were over, some regions of Russia were engulfed in collapse. This time it is a municipal road, noted the channel’s economic observer Yuriy Pronko on the air of the “Tsargrad. The Main” program.

Experts and individual officials have long warned about the critical deterioration of communications, but their modernization has still been done half-heartedly. Therefore, large-scale interruptions in the supply of heat and light were only a matter of time.

The most serious problems with electricity supply and heat supply are observed in the Moscow region. Also in Vladimir, Ryazan, Tula, Sverdlovsk Region, Omsk and Primorsky Krai experienced serious communal crises.

State Duma deputy Mikhail Delyagin spoke openly about the situation live on “First Russian”. He also pointed to other challenges that our country will most likely face in 2024.

Effective money management “in Russian”

Tsargrad’s interlocutor noted that the significant problems with utility networks did not begin on New Year’s Day. Interruptions in heat supply have been noted since October, but then they were not yet on such a scale. The residents of Khimki, for example, know this first hand.

And as I understand it, the problem was solved simply by distancing myself from him. The city administration has a staff of people who clean up negative comments on social networks. And the problem is solved. Since October, none of the employees pay attention to this. Requests from deputies and citizens are thrown in the trash or they are written officially formal answers,– emphasized the deputy.

He suggested that the governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, also has relevant officials who should work even better than their colleagues from Khimki.

The host of “First Russian” referred to information provided by the Audit Chamber. According to the auditors’ analysis, more than 60% of communications in the country today are worn out and in need of repair or replacement.

Before that, the attrition rate was even higher. Maybe five years ago it was lower, but 20 years ago it was definitely higher. Also, you understand what wear means… Some pipes last 20 years beyond their standard life. They are already worn to zero, they have a wear rate of 100%, but they still work,Delyagin noted.

At the same time, innovative materials and communications began to be put into operation more often, which, however, as practice shows, do not withstand any competition.

They created some brand new product, implemented it, but it just doesn’t work … Because it was made by the “victims of the Unified State Exam”/he means the matriculation exam/ and put into operation by other comrades who can’t read the instructions,– explained Tsargrad’s interlocutor.

He noted with regret that people in some regions often simply have no one to rely on in situations of power outages and heating:

And the citizens of Russia have at least to spin people around fires in the yard… Well, the master will return from vacation, maybe he will decide something… Or maybe he won’t…

The deputy from the State Duma recalled another acute problem of the internal housing and communal system – we are talking about snow removal, or more precisely, the lack of it in a number of cities:

If you manage your money effectively… Some call it stealing, but I prefer to use politically correct terms. So if you manage money efficiently, then naturally there will be no funds left to keep the infrastructure networks in good condition.

We remember how an unprecedented natural disaster happened in December in Moscow… No one could imagine that it could snow in winter. An amazing thing became clear: it is not even that many cleaners-porters do not work, but that they receive 20 thousand rubles “in hand”, and everything else just disappears somewhere.

As long as there was no work, the porters were ready to receive 20 thousand rubles and do nothing. But when it snowed, they were rightly indignant: they say, do we have to work for this money, or what?… Some even said it in Russian. They are already settled, they got citizenship, everything is fine. And then they went to work as couriers and other higher paid fields of activity.

There is a worse threat

But the most terrible danger that Russia is facing this year, and which will most likely be realized, is the threat of continued destruction of the country with the help of the chosen methods of macroeconomic financial policy, the parliamentarian believes. It continues to be persistently developed by the so-called systemic liberals. First of all, the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov and the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiulina.

However, Yuriy Pronko was ahead of the finance minister’s response to this. He proudly talks about how many trillions the state spends on the social sphere: they say, everything is only for the people and in the name of the people.

But Delyagin replied that as long as we are ruled by people who do not know that budget money can not only be spent senselessly and wasted, but also be invested so that it has an effect, no matter how many trillions you add, they will all be extremely wasted:

These officials do not know that the money allocated in the budget should be useful. For them, these are expenses, senseless, harmful, disgusting, which must be minimized by all means. Yes, (Prime Minister Mikhail) Mishustin is limiting this policy, but still the monetary power remains in the hands of the liberals.

As a result, the industry started to move slightly and we immediately get a collapse of the ruble to crush it, as well as a doubling of the interest rate, so the industry finally ceases to exist. Where there is budget spending and direct budget support, there is development. But beyond that, pretty much everything is just scorched earth.

Who really saved Russia

In addition, the deputy from the State Duma criticized the point of view of the fans of the monetary authorities, who claim that it was Nabiulina who pulled out the domestic economy against the background of the unfolding colossal sanctions pressure from the West:

Nabiulina is pulling the Russian economy out the same way Gerasim pulled Mumu out of the water. Do you remember? A brick in the neck – and in the whirlpool. Likewise, the head of the Central Bank “saved” our economy. Excuse me, but who put $300 billion in other people’s pockets?

The host of “First Russian” recalled that the Central Bank hid behind the fact that it did not know anything about the upcoming special operation and did not have time to withdraw foreign exchange reserves from the Western financial system. However, the representative revealed how everything actually happened:

At a meeting of our faction [председателят на Комитета по националностите на Държавната дума] Gennady Semigin asked Nabiulina a direct question: did you imagine that it would be like this, or did you not expect it? She answered very twistedly, but finally admitted: yes, we assumed it would be like that. But then, a year later, when I asked her the same question, the head of the Central Bank said: no, how would we know…

Delyagin added that if any of the systemic liberals can be praised for the anti-sanctions measures in the spring of 2022, it will not be Nabiulina, but Siluanov:

The country was saved by Siluanov, who was called by a good friend of his while walking his dog on Sunday and said… I will translate it into literary language: they say, Anton Germanovich, something must be done, remember, once [екс-председателят на Централната банка Виктор] Gerashchenko introduced mandatory sale of foreign exchange profits?..

And Anton Germanovich introduced a mandatory sale of currency profits with his statement on the same Sunday, violating all principles of subordination and separation of powers. That’s how he saved the country. I am very critical of him, but he saved the country.

And Nabiulina was engaged in a hysterical increase in interest rates and the destruction of national industry. She did this last year as well. True, then Siluanov apparently received a blow to the head. Therefore, it was once again necessary for the compulsory sale of foreign currency proceeds to be introduced by the president himself.

Translation: ES

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