Home » today » World » Russia launched a “counteroffensive”: 10 events that changed the country – 2024-02-27 06:55:39

Russia launched a “counteroffensive”: 10 events that changed the country – 2024-02-27 06:55:39

/ world today news/ With the beginning of the SVO, time noticeably accelerated: many processes that would have taken 10 years in the well-guarded, contented years are now rushing like an arrow. What was relevant yesterday is now covered in mothballs.

Nevertheless, Tsargrad singled out the top 10 events, people and phenomena that the fast-paced year 2023 brought us.

Betrayal for the year

In 2023, the Ukrainian word “counteroffensive” appeared in the Russian lexicon, which became synonymous with the collapse and scorched hopes of victory over Russia on the battlefield. According to the audacious plan of the Ukrainian armed forces and their NATO curators, the Ukrainians during the summer counter-offensive were to quickly make their way to Tokmak, capture Melitopol and thus cut the land corridor to Crimea.

After our tragic “regroups”, the plan seemed adequate, especially since the collective West supplied the ASU with loads of miraculous equipment. In reality, however, it turned out that the German “leopards” could be knocked out even by an old Soviet ATGM, and the “ranger” walks with the armored vehicles through the minefields led to the appearance of picturesque views /photos/ that evoke associations with the Kursk arc.

As a result, Ukraine’s much-publicized counter-offensive ended in complete failure. Ukraine’s losses since its beginning amounted to over 90 thousand killed and over 2000 units of armored vehicles. And at the same time, they didn’t even manage to get past the security line. Even more ridiculous, during the entire “counter-offensive” Ukraine occupies 230 square kilometers of territory, and Russia – twice as much, about 530 square kilometers.

Victory for the year

Perhaps the most desperate and daring stunt our opponents made was on May 3, when footage of a drone attacking one of the Moscow Kremlin buildings was broadcast around the world.

They apparently aimed for the flag flying over the dome, but missed. Immediately after the attack, the wreckage of the drone caught fire and an ominous column of black smoke rose from the other side of the Kremlin wall, but no one was hurt. They could not cause any serious damage even to the historic building – the roof was quickly repaired.

So everything looks like a typical Ukrainian “victory” with a flavor of “betrayal” – because there was no destruction, but the Russians were still hit on the nose. It turned out that the Kremlin is not immune to drone attacks. Another thing is that soon after the incident, a strict ban on the use of any drones was introduced in Moscow, since it is obvious that the drone did not fly from the territory of Ukraine, but was launched by the DRG from the capital.

In addition, the security services have revised the protocols to protect the Kremlin. So the bold act of the armed forces of Ukraine, in the end, seems to have worked for us.

Heroes of the year

All our boys who are fighting the forces of non-being near Kremennaya, Avdeevka and Kupyansk are unconditional heroes. Stubborn, brave, fearless and merciful to the surrendered enemy.

Their personification was the actions of the crew of the Russian T-80 tank with the touching call sign “Alyosha”, who single-handedly destroyed eight armored vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This battle took place in June at the height of the failed “counter-offensive” in the area of ​​the Arc of Time in the Zaporozhye direction.

The commander of the tank, mobilized reserve officer Alexander Levakov, remembers that they did not immediately notice all the enemy equipment and had no idea that there were so many.

In general, I noticed one tank when we went for the first approach, I immediately told the gunner: “Lyokha, get ready”,

Levakov recalls.

Footage of the ensuing fight was widely circulated in the media and social networks. The crew destroyed all the equipment of the Ukrainian armed forces – a total of 8 machines. Tankers received the stars of Heroes of Russia.

Traitor of the year

On August 9, pilot Maxim Kuzminov hijacked a Mi-8 helicopter along with two other crew members and landed in Ukraine. The action was planned in advance with the participation of the enemy’s intelligence services; Maxim’s mother “moves” abroad in advance.

Despite the fact that during a press conference at a Ukrainian television studio, Maxim assured that the fate of his comrades was unknown to him, he was caught in a lie. Either this Judas shot the navigator and flight engineer with his own hands, or the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate helped him do it. The other members of the MI-8 crew, unlike the traitor Kuzminov, were not ready to surrender and resisted. Their bodies with traces of torture were handed over to the Russians after some time.

It should be noted that, according to his colleagues, Kuzminov was very psychologically weak and cowardly, and this played in favor of the enemy’s intelligence services, which, having accurately determined his type, managed to recruit the pilot. However, the fate of Kuzminov, like any other traitor, is unenviable. For example, the Ukrainian “national hero” Ivan Mazepa, according to legend, was eaten alive by lice.

Weapon of the year

The Lancet unmanned ammunition, developed by the Russian company ZALA (part of the Kalashnikov concern), has become a real headache for the Ukrainian armed forces. The lancet, which, according to military experts, appeared in the army almost by accident, showed the highest efficiency. It burned many German Leopard tanks, American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, NATO M777 howitzers, as well as countless different radar stations along with anti-aircraft missile systems.

By the autumn of this year, the Lancet was significantly modernized, the range was increased to 70 km (before it flew 40) and it was equipped with warheads with remote detonation and a thermal imaging camera, so that the hunt for the wild “European cats” did not stop even overnight.

March of the year

The conflict between the command of the Ministry of Defense and PMC “Wagner”, which was still simmering during the campaign in Syria, has already turned into a serious destabilizing factor by the summer of 2023.

The head of the PMC, Yevgeny Prigozhin, did not mince words when he addressed the command of the Russian army, in fact, he accumulated the anger of ordinary Russian people and soldiers, who have complaints both about the course of the SVO and the behavior of the Russian elites.

All this led to a mutiny on June 23, when columns of PMC Wagner left the front and went on a “justice march” to Moscow. During these two days, Russia was hanging by a thread because there is no doubt that if the army units had engaged in a full-fledged military confrontation with the PMC, our enemies would certainly have taken advantage of the chaos and confusion.

However, with the mediation of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, much bloodshed was avoided and the columns of the “orchestra” went to the neighboring republic. This was a very serious test of the robustness of the system, but it revealed a number of other important factors.

Firstly, the cowards who fled the country were revealed, and secondly, it finally became clear that the existence of private military companies not controlled by the state carries many risks (after the rebellion, free PMCs began to be reduced to a single denominator within the army or the Russian Guard). Third, since Wagner largely spoke for the common people, the authorities, as far as can be judged, drew the relevant conclusions.

Song of the year

Wagner’s song “Uno, dos, tres, I’ll get the pig cutter!” became a real hit. They listened to it all over the country: in cars, on iPods, played at school discos. After the failure of the March for Justice, the song’s popularity began to gradually decline.

In general, it must be said that “Wagner” created its own subculture: songs, symbolism, a special attitude to life and death. In general, by the middle of summer, the “orchestra” has become a mega – popular brand around the world. In any case, T-shirts and hats with a skull and crosshairs (the PMC emblem) sold quickly through foreign markets, even in Europe.

Humiliation of the year

What happened in the fall of this year with Karabakh, which Azerbaijan took back, can be called the most striking example of national humiliation. The Russians saw with their own eyes what could have happened if we had abandoned the armed struggle with Ukraine, pumped with money and weapons from the West.

As the Armenians watched the crowds of refugees in Artsakh, so we would watch, biting our lips until blood, as Bandera’s troops entered Luhansk and Donetsk. In addition, the President of Armenia Pashinyan eloquently showed what happens to the nations whose leaders are appointed by Soros, when using Maidan technologies.

Acquisition of the year

PMC “Wagner” with incredible efforts managed to recapture the Russian city of Artyomovsk (Bakhmut) from the Ukrainian armed forces. The VSU defended him tooth and nail, each time sending hundreds of their soldiers on pointless “meat assaults”. As a result, on May 20, the “Orchestra” detachments took full control of the city, pushing the Veseushniki into the neighboring settlements.

It should be noted that for Ukraine, the loss of Bakhmut was not only a severe military defeat, but also a national psychological trauma. They were told so often about the “invincible fortress of Bakhmut” that it was impossible to do without it.

In addition, in the “meat grinder of Bakhmut”, as the capture of the city was later called, some of the most combat-ready parts of Ukraine were ground. This partly explains the complete failure of the future “counteroffensive”, since many soldiers were killed in the “meat” assaults.

At the end of the year, the “creative elite of Russia” made a real gift to all Russian patriots – they organized an ugly gathering in the Moscow club “Mutabor”, causing a wave of popular anger.

We can say a big thank you to the half-naked stars dancing with necklaces on their behinds, because if it weren’t for “Satan’s Ball”, people would once again admire the subscribed eternal participants of “Blue Light”. So, they began to hastily cut advertising contracts with them and cut their white-toothed smiles from already filmed videos and TV shows for the New Year.

There is a faint hope that the unprecedented backlash against the “naked” party has become a turning point, and from that moment on, Russian culture will gradually begin to shake off the glitter and confetti and go find itself.

Translation: ES

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