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Russia Admits to Mass Robbery in Occupied Ukraine

Kremlin-appointed Gauleiter Yevgeny Balitsky admitted that Russia is engaged in mass robbery in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

The “governor” of the occupied territories of the Zaporozhye region, Yevgeny Balitsky, framed Russia by confessing to a war crime. He confirmed that the Russian Federation is massively seizing the property of Ukrainians in the occupied territories.

An interview with the revelations of Balitsky’s collaborator was recently published on one of the federal television channels of Russia, Dialog.UA reports.

Balitsky openly stated that the Russian Federation is seizing shops and residential buildings of Ukrainians who do not return within three months. Representatives of the occupation contingent, who are imported en masse from Russia, are being housed in the apartments of ordinary citizens.

If a store was closed for three months, we designated it as “orphaned” and handed it over to those who were able to get things going again. The same applies to “abandoned” houses and apartments. We, one might say, do not stand on ceremony with this issue. History will judge us whether we were right or wrong, but we take these objects and hand them over to security forces, court workers, teachers, doctors and so on, who come to us (from Russia – ed.) on a rotational basis“, Balitsky said.

At the same time, he admitted that complete poverty reigns in the occupied territories of Ukraine. People simply have nothing to live on, and therefore they are forced to leave. And their houses are immediately seized by the Russians.

Our people are employed today at the level of 25%, and this, let’s say, is not a very high figure, because the industry is not working” said Gauleiter.

Earlier it was reported that the Russian Federation is flooding the occupied territories of Ukraine with migrants: the number of “guests” has exceeded 100 thousand.

We also wrote how Balitsky admitted that he lives in constant fear: “Every day we are forced to look around.”

Author: Tatyana Shevchenko

2023-11-29 19:29:39

#dont #stand #ceremony #Gauleiter #Balitsky #framed #Putin #confessing #war #crime

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