Home » today » World » Runar Søgaard has received a new warning in a new prison – VG

Runar Søgaard has received a new warning in a new prison – VG

PROBLEMS: Runar Søgaard’s prison stay is constantly receiving new attention.

After being moved to a new and stricter penitentiary, the 54-year-old has received a new warning from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service. – Pure lie, according to the decision is Søgaard’s description of what he is accused of.


Just updated

It writes Aftonbladet.

The newspaper refers to a written decision from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, which is called the Prison and Probation Service in Sweden.

The decision states that Søgaard has received a warning for trying to influence employees and decision-makers to prioritize his issues behind the walls.

According to the decision, Søgaard denies having tried to influence them illegally, and believes it is all about a misunderstanding.

– I have not been unpleasant to anyone at this institution. That’s a lie. This is scary reading, Søgaard is quoted as saying from an interrogation dated 31 May.

VG has tried to get comment from his manager and from his lawyer.

«Belongs to the top tier»

In January, it became known that Søgaard was going moved to a higher security prison, less than two months after he started his one-year and eight-month sentence for tax evasion and bookkeeping violations. Then he had received five warnings.

The Prison and Probation Service points out that a relative must have called and threatened to contact the media if Søgaard’s cases are not taken care of immediately. This is disputed by Søgaard, according to the decision.

In questioning, Søgaard is said to have stated that he “belongs to the top tier when it comes to communication and rhetoric”, and pointed out that he has received a diploma for this.

He must have been informed that the institution never treats anyone differently. Nevertheless, the pressure should have continued.

– Total lack

The decision further states that Søgaard believes that the new conditions of imprisonment make it more difficult for him to keep in touch with relatives.

– Since I came here, there has been a total lack of being able to maintain the contacts I need to have contact with externally, he is said to have said.

He has reportedly explained that he tried to be informative and only kindly pointed out that a phone call he wanted to take was important, as several people were involved.

Nevertheless, he has now received a warning for having tried to influence decision-makers at the penitentiary in their professional practice.

According to the decision, Søgaard has been informed that what has emerged in the investigation may later affect the assessment of any conditional release.

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