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Routine Taking Medication Given by a Doctor, Gerd Can Cure Total


Can patients with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or acid reflux disease recover completely? The answer could be said by Prof. Dr. Dr. H. Ari Fahrial Syam SpPD-KGEH MMB FINASIM FACP. Provided the patient lives a healthy lifestyle and regularly takes medicine given by the doctor.

“But it takes two full months to consume the drug. The medicine is useful for suppressing gastric acid so that when there is contact with the esophagus there is no injury to the esophagus,” he said on Instagram Live @guesehat with the theme “Get to Know Gerd in the Covid-19 Era and How to Work Out It “.

The main treatment for gerd is proton pump inhibitor (PPI) drugs. There are at least five types of drugs included in this group, namely omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole, and esomeprazole. In this case, a combination of herbal medicines or phytopharmaca (medicines from natural ingredients that have been proven scientifically safe and useful with preclinical and clinical trials) is indispensable for the treatment of gerd. (Read: The Former Government Still Prohibits Passenger Tops)

This drug combination is intended to neutralize and reduce stomach acid. The dose of the drug is usually 2 × 1 and combined with an anti-acid stomach medicine. Prof. Ari said that there was a Gerd patient who claimed that if he did not take the medicine again, he experienced a recurrence. He was worried that stomach acid drugs would make him addicted.

Explained by Prof. Ari, stomach acid drugs do not cause dependence like sedatives or sleeping pills. If symptoms are felt to be still there after taking the medicine, it could be because the dose given is not optimal. Or it could be because it is not accompanied by lifestyle changes such as stress, smoking, or eating spicy, sour, cheese, chocolate, and other abstinence foods.

High stomach acid not only causes a burning sensation in the chest or a bitter mouth. The patient also feels restless, making it difficult to sleep. If you have this, usually the doctor will give sedatives as recommended. High stomach acid production also has an impact on ENT disorders. “High stomach acid can go up to the ear due to otitis media or to the nasal cavity due to sinusitis,” explained Prof. Ari. (Also read: Chicco Jerikho Avided 2 Notes & Bicycles)

Furthermore, normal stomach acid is needed by the body to kill germs and digest food. However, if excessive will cause problems, then the administration of drugs is intended to reduce the production of stomach acid. A study conducted by the National Heartburn Alliance evaluated 130,000 people, whether sufferers who experience heartburn feel a negative impact on their daily activities.

The results show that the majority of sufferers feel a negative impact on their quality of life. Some things that are affected by heartburn are physical quality, sleep quality, productivity, emotional condition, and social function. If it continues to be ignored, this disease risks triggering complications of the disease in the future. (See the video: Five Houses of Landslides Dragged Down in Palopo)

Gerd can also be caused by many factors, such as pressure in the stomach of pregnant women which increases with the growth of the fetus causing backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus, smoking which triggers damage to the mucous membranes, increases acid secretion, and weakens the lower esophageal sphincter. (Sri Noviarni)


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