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ROC Mondriaan introduces multi-factor authentication | VPNGuide.nl

ROC Mondriaan has increased the security of its network. Since Monday, students have been receiving a text message from the school containing the new password for the WiFi network. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) has also been introduced. The purpose of this is to improve security when logging in.

This is evident from a addition to the FAQ page about the hacking attack.

‘Together we come a long way’

It has now been two and a half weeks since hackers managed to gain access to ROC Mondriaan’s computer systems. About 20,000 students and 2,100 school community employees were unable to use school and study applications as a result. As a result, teaching had to be done in the ‘old-fashioned’ way with pen and paper.

Teachers still have limited use of the ROC Mondriaan computer network. That’s because cybersecurity company NFIR conducts forensics. Security experts are looking for answers to the question of how the attackers infiltrated the systems. They also check whether personal data or other confidential information has been viewed or stolen by the perpetrators. The regional training center reported the incident to the Dutch Data Protection Authority and filed a report with the police.

ROC Mondriaan says it is happy with the progress that has been made so far. She asks teachers and students to be patient and is confident that everything will work out. “Because our teachers can only use all technology and applications to a limited extent, it will take a while to find how we organize the lessons as best as possible in the coming period. But together we come a long way.”

ROC Mondriaan introduces MFA

At the start of the new school year, the WiFi network was not available. Since Monday, students can again access the Internet wirelessly via the school network. The WiFi network is, of course, password protected. Students will receive this ‘as soon as possible’ by text message.

In order to log in to their school account afterwards, students must multifactorauthenticatie (MFD) setting. In addition to a username and password, they also need a login code. ROC Mondriaan does not provide details about the implementation of MFA.

ROC Mondriaan may be the target of ransomware attack

The school community expects to need weeks to fully restart the computer systems. To date, nothing has been said about the cause of the hacking attack. Professor of cybersecurity at TU Delft Michiel van Eeten suspects that it is a ransomware attack goes. In doing so, the attackers close access to computer systems and put files under lock and key. The only way to regain access is to pay the ransom.

Van Eeten does not think that the hackers deliberately chose the school community to attack. “Hackers continue to act very opportunistically. Is there an entrance? Yes? Then we’ll see if it’s interesting,” the professor said recently Broadcasting West. He suspects that the attackers dark web have bought access to the network of the comprehensive school.

House of Representatives concerned about learning disadvantages

The House of Representatives is concerned about education and possible disadvantages among students. Paul van Meenen and Lisa van Ginneken (both D66) have put written questions about this issue to outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science Ingrid van Engelshoven. The MPs want to know from the minister when the systems will be fully accessible again and what she will do to ensure that the start of the school year runs smoothly. Finally, the Democrats want to know whether other regional training centers are equipped to fend off such cyberattacks.

Zohair El Yassini and Queeny Rajkowsky of the VVD asked critical questions about the development of ROC Mondriaan’s information security policy. They asked whether the school community receives sufficient support from the sectoral Computer Emergency Response Team SURFcert. Finally, the liberals asked Minister Van Engelshoven whether she finds it acceptable if the school pays ransom to the hackers.

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