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Rising Wave of Violence in Sweden: The Murder of Giovanni Farias (19) Highlights the Urgency for Government Action

KILLED: Giovanni Farias (19) was going out to buy fruit, and fell victim to the brutal wave of violence in Sweden. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

– The government must work harder to stop criminals and the murder of children, says the mother of the murdered Giovanni Farias (19) to VG.


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19-year-old Giovanni Farias was shot dead in Vasastan, Stockholm, on 14 September. The murder is one of seven murders in Sweden in the last ten days. There is an ongoing wave of violence linked to the gang environment in Sweden. Several of those involved are minors. Giovanni’s mother, Jennifer Tello, is calling on the government to work harder to stop youth crime and child murder. She has now been offered a meeting with party leaders Andersson and Ulf Kristersson and is awaiting details for this meeting. Show more

On Wednesday 14 September, 19-year-old Giovanni Farias became part of Sweden’s grim murder statistics.

Giovanni was walking in the middle of Vasastan in central Stockholm on Wednesday last week, and according to his mother, should have been out for an evening walk to buy fruit, when his phone rang.

It was an acquaintance. Giovanni is said to have been lured to a nearby location, where he was killed by several gunshots.

Back, the mother Jennifer Tello (43) sits in an apartment in Gävle with Giovanni’s two-year-old little sister.

– The police knocked on my door late that night. They say “your son is dead”. I panicked and fell on the floor in tears, says the mother to VG.

Jennifer Tello traveled to the hospital that night to see her son. His life could not be saved, although the doctors tried.

– The only thing I have left are the memories of him. I will love him all my life, she says to VG.

MOTHER: Jennifer Tello (43) was supposed to meet her son the day after he was shot dead in Stockholm. Photo: Private

Seven shooting deaths

According to the Swedish police, the murder of Giovanni is part of the ongoing wave of violence in the gang environment in several Swedish cities.

In the course of ten days, Sweden has been hit by seven shooting incidents with a fatal outcome.

Every night there are new gunfights. Some of the victims have had links to the gang environment, others are family members of gang members, and others are just random victims who have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

On Tuesday, Sweden’s government held a crisis meeting on the escalating gang violence. After the meeting, Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer said that they cannot continue as before.

Every single day, three people are recruited into the criminal gangs per day, according to Swedish police. This means approximately 1,000 new members per year.

MISSING: The mother Jennifer Tello posts pictures and words of remembrance about her son. “I love you, Giovanni.” Photo: SCREEN DUMP: Instagram

– A few minutes – and he disappeared from life

Jennifer Tello says that she tried to call her son on Wednesday evening at 9.35pm. In that case, it is only minutes before the shots that killed Giovanni were fired.

It seemed like the phone was busy, she says.

– Just a few minutes – and he disappeared from life, says the mother.

Jennifer called because they were going to make an appointment the next day. The last time mother and son got together was a week before he died.

– He cooked for me: Chicken with potatoes and onions, rice and tzatziki. He arranged for a delicious special salad with bulgur, and we watched a film together. We hugged, and he played with his little sister, Jennifer tells VG.

CITY CENTRE: The murder took place in Vasastan in Stockholm city. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

“The Kurdish Fox”

According to Aftonbladet, the 19-year-old must have been part of the network of “The Kurdish Fox”, the former kiosk owner Rawa Majid who has become Sweden’s most notorious gang leader.

Majid controls the gang war from Turkey. There is a breakaway group from his gang that goes by the name Foxtrot, and which is said to have been involved in the shooting of Giovanni.

The acquaintance who called Giovanni on Wednesday night, and tricked him into going to the crime scene, is said to have had links to Foxtrot, according to The Express.

But his mother says it is not true, what the newspapers write.

– He was only 19 years old. He had had problems before, but now he was doing well. He had started working, got his life in order, says the grieving mother.

LIFE AHEAD OF HIM: Giovanni had recently got a job and a place to study, says his mother. Photo: Private

Prime Minister’s meeting

A judgment from 2022 determined that Giovanni should be looked after under the Children’s Act, because there was a threat to him such that he had an “urgent need for protection and support to leave the criminal environment”, writes The evening paper.

It is now a year since a worried mother Jennifer spoke to then Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson about gang crime. Then there was an election campaign, and Andersson was out meeting potential voters.

Giovanni’s mother says she is having a hard time now, but that she sees it as her duty to continue.

She says she wants to remind us all that there is a human being behind every victim.

– There is a story behind every shooting. And what remains is a grieving family who have lost what they love most.

Now, through Aftonbladet, she has had the chance to meet party leaders Andersson and Ulf Kristersson again, she tells VG. She is waiting for details for the meeting with them, but she knows what she wants to say.

– The government must work harder to stop criminals and the murder of children. They will see how difficult it is for a mother to bury her son.


Published: 22.09.23 at 12:45 p.m

Updated: 22.09.23 at 13:31

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2023-09-22 10:45:02
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