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Return in September, distance learning: how many hours per week, teachers’ timetable, how to evaluate. [BOZZA LINEE GUIDA]

Integrated digital teaching or, as we have known it so far, distance learning. The draft of the Guidelines developed by the Ministry to define methods, timetables, methodologies, relationships with families.

Each educational institution defines how to implement integrated digital teaching, in a balanced balance between activities
synchronous and asynchronous.

It is addressed to all students of secondary school, as a complementary teaching method that integrates the traditional face-to-face school experience, as well as, in the event of a new lockdown, to pupils of all grades.

N.B. It must be avoided that contents and methodologies are the mere transposition of what is usually done in the presence.

The teaching staff is called upon to establish criteria and methods for providing integrated digital teaching

The teachers for the support activities, always in attendance at school together with the pupils entrusted to them, take care of the interaction between all the classmates in attendance and those possibly involved in the DDI, as well as with the other curricular teachers, developing individualized or personalized material to be used by the pupil in daily meetings with the small group and contribute, in close correlation with colleagues, to the development of learning units for the class.

Each educational institution identifies a platform that meets the necessary data security requirements to guarantee privacy *, ensure a
smooth running of the synchronous activity also, possibly, by darkening the surrounding environment and making it usable, whatever the type of device (smartphone, tablet, PC) or operating system available.

Teachers’ signature on the electronic register

For the necessary administrative fulfillment of detecting the presence of teachers in service and to register the presence of pupils in class, the electronic register * is used, as well as for school-family communications and the annotation of daily tasks. The DDI, in fact, represents the “displacement” in virtual mode of the learning environment and, so to speak, of the legal environment in attendance.

The timetable of the lessons

In the case of complementary digital activity to that in presence, the group that follows the remote activity fully respects the class’s working hours unless the planning of a different temporal scan of the teaching, between pupils in presence and at distance, does not find your raison d’etre in reasons related to the specificity of the methodology in use.

In the event that the DDI becomes a single instrument for carrying out the school service, following any new situations of
lockdown, will be expected minimum weekly lessons per hour:

Primary school: the most important aspect is to maintain contact with children and families. The activities will be scheduled avoiding improvisations and impromptuness in the proposals in order to encourage the active involvement of children. There are different ways of contacting, from the video call, to the message through the section representative or even the videoconference, to maintain the relationship with the teachers and other companions. Given the age of the pupils, it is preferable to offer small experiences, short films or audio files.

First cycle school: ensure at least fifteen hours of teaching in synchronous mode with the entire class group (ten hours for the first classes of primary school), also organized in a flexible way, in which to build disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses, with the possibility of providing for further small-scale activities group, as well as proposals in an asynchronous manner according to the methodologies deemed most suitable.

Musical secondary schools: ensure to the pupils, through the purchase by the school of web services, applications that allow the execution in synchrony, both the individual lessons of the instrument and the hours of ensemble music.

Secondary secondary school: ensure at least twenty weekly hours of teaching in synchronous mode with the whole class group, with the possibility of providing further small group activities as well as proposals in asynchronous mode according to the methodologies deemed most suitable.

CPIA: for first level courses, first teaching period, ensure at least nine hours of teaching a week in synchronous mode with the entire learning group; for the first level courses, according to the didactic period, ensure at least twelve hours a week of teaching in synchronous mode with the entire learning group; for literacy courses and learning the Italian language, ensure at least eight hours per
teaching week synchronously with each group of

For second level courses, it will be necessary to ensure at least twenty hours of teaching a week in synchronous mode with the entire learning group.

Weekly timetable for teachers

Without prejudice to the weekly service hours of teachers established by the CCNL, the School Manager, on the basis of the criteria identified by the Teaching Board, prepares the timetable of the educational and teaching activities with the hourly rate that each teacher dedicates to integrated digital teaching, having care to ensure adequate weekly space for all disciplines whether the DDI is chosen as a complementary method to face-to-face teaching, or that it constitutes the exclusive tool deriving from new relevant epidemiological conditions.

In structuring the weekly timetable in DDI, it is possible to have recourse to the reduction of the lesson time unit, the compaction of the disciplines, as well as to adopt all the forms of didactic and organizational flexibility provided for by the School Autonomy Regulation.


Some methodologies adapt better than others to integrated digital teaching: for example, reference is made to short teaching, learning
cooperative, to the flipped classroom, to the debate.


The class councils and the individual teachers are entrusted with the task of identifying the tools for verifying the learning inherent in the methodologies used. It is believed that any method of verifying an activity carried out in DDI cannot lead to the production of paper materials, except for particular needs related to individual disciplines or particular needs of the pupils. The teachers will take care to save the students’ works and to start them for conservation within the repository tools dedicated to this by the school institution

The evaluation

The assessment must be constant, guarantee transparency and timeliness and, even more where the possibility of face-to-face confrontation, the need to ensure continuous feedback on the basis of which to regulate the teaching / learning process should fail.

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