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Responsible for reception of the public, issuance of tickets and processing of dematerialized requests

  • Functional area
    User relationship
  • Use
    Reception and user service manager
  • Affiliate organization

    Ministry of the Interior

  • Location

    Hauts-de-Seine (92), France

  • Pouring
    State civil service
  • Category
    Category B (intermediate profession)
  • Publication date
  • Publication end date
  • Management

Job Description

Job description

RIFSEEP Group: 1

Main activities :
Under the control of the deputy head of the office responsible for welcoming users and processing residence permit applications – short circuit – and in coordination with the 2 other B managers, you are responsible in particular for:
– rigorous application of the regulations and procedures established for the examination and validation of applications for residence permits. With the establishment of the ANEF during the year 2022, you will ensure to support the agents in the appropriation of this new tool.
– supervision of officials responsible for welcoming the public and processing dematerialized requests for residence permits (management of leaves, training requests, professional interviews, conducting meetings, internal training and legal support for reception staff) ;
– organize and plan resources according to flows in conjunction with other department managers (management of appointment schedules and staff absence) and ensure daily statistical monitoring and management of the activity of staff of the Pole;
– ensure compliance with security procedures and the fight against internal and external fraud (management and accounting of blank vouchers and compliance with the decision-making circuit) and participate in internal and external control operations for vouchers issued (APS, DCEM and RCS in particular);
– to control and rule on requests for residence permits – agreements and refusals (quantified objectives).
Professional environment
Service activities
The office for the stay of foreigners, together with the office for specialized examinations and removal, the asylum office and the nationality office, is one of the components of the migration and integration department which includes 152 agents. The foreigners’ residence office is responsible for welcoming foreign nationals, examining applications for residence permits as well as exchanging foreign driving licenses (outside the EU and EEA).
Composition and staffing of the service
The BSE comprises 4 attachés (office manager, 3 deputies to the office manager), 14 administrative secretaries, 35 administrative assistants spread over 3 poles (reception of the public, family immigration and professional immigration) and the secretariat.
Hierarchical links
The 3 assistants to the office manager and the office manager
Functional links
Internally: office for specialized examinations and removal
Externally: Ministry of the Interior (DGEF), OFII, DIRECCTE 92, DTSP, Nantes CERT, DSCR, Cabinet du Préfet (BSI)

Special conditions of exercise

Specifics of the position / Constraints / Constraints:
38 hours per week generating 16 days of ARTT. 20 NBI points.
Missions carried out in compliance with Qual-e-pref commitments – Mandatory training for the reception of the public and people with disabilities; on the detection of documentary and identity fraud; Training for taking up a position on the conditions of entry and stay of foreigners.

Who to contact?
Mme Brigitte GORY: head of the foreigners’ stay office – @: [email protected] – Tel. : 01 40 97 27 50
Mr. Cédrick KIPRE LAGO: assistant to the head of the reception office – @: [email protected] – Tel. : 01 40 97 27 56
Mr. Vincent FALQUET: assistant to the head of the office in charge of investigation – @: [email protected] – Tel. : 01 40 97 27 30

List of required parts:
See the single mobility / recruitment request form available on MOB-MI or the PEP

Required profile

Your main skills implemented:
Technical knowledge :
– Have computer-office skills: practical level required
– Know the professional environment: practical level to acquire
– Have legal skills: practical level to acquire
Know how :
– Knowing how to work in a team: practical level required
– Know how to manage: level of mastery to acquire
– Knowing how to organize: practical level required
– Know how to apply the regulations: level of mastery to be acquired
Know-how :
– Have a sense of human relations: practical level to acquire
– Knowing how to communicate: practical level required
– Knowing how to adapt: ​​level of mastery required
– Knowing how to welcome: mastery level to be acquired

Your perspectives:
This position with a strong managerial dimension requires knowing how to demonstrate autonomy and responsiveness. The need to be organized on a daily basis as well as the need to know how to prioritize tasks and to be the guarantor of compliance with procedures are all qualities required of the incumbent. The skills acquired in this position prepare for higher functions and can be valued in the context of professional examinations and competitive examinations.

Complementary information

Complementary information

Administrative and geographic location / Assignment:

Hauts-de-Seine Prefecture – Directorate of Migration and Integration – Office for the Residence of Foreigners – 167-177 avenue Joliot-Curie – 92013 NANTERRE
RER A – Nanterre prefecture or university station – Nanterre prefecture or university station – BUS 159/160/163/259/276/304 / N53

Standard job (s) / Standard job description code (s):

Reception and user service manager / ERUSA001
Functional area (s):

Relationship and user service

Nature of the job

  • Job open to incumbents and contract workers

Legal basis for recruitment

Specifics of the position / Constraints / Constraints:
38 hours per week generating 16 days of ARTT. 20 NBI points.
Missions carried out in compliance with Qual-e-pref commitments – Mandatory training for the reception of the public and people with disabilities; on the detection of documentary and identity fraud; Training for taking up a position on the conditions of entry and stay of foreigners.

Who to contact?
Mme Brigitte GORY: head of the foreigners’ stay office – @: [email protected] – Tel. : 01 40 97 27 50
Mr. Cédrick KIPRE LAGO: assistant to the head of the reception office – @: [email protected] – Tel. : 01 40 97 27 56
Mr. Vincent FALQUET: assistant to the head of the office in charge of investigation – @: [email protected] – Tel. : 01 40 97 27 30

List of required parts:
See the single mobility / recruitment request form available on MOB-MI or the PEP


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