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Respawn Entertainment Working on Third Installment in Star Wars Jedi Series

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What: EA

Shortly after the release of Survivor, Respawn appears to be already working on a third installment in the Star Wars Jedi series. At least that’s what various job advertisements from the developer studio indicate.

Does the Cal Kestis story continue? Initial job postings at Respawn Entertainment seem to confirm just that. This is how you can find offers for one on the EA advertisements page Senior VFX Artist and one Senior Combat Designer. In addition, the advertisement for one can be found at Respawn Senior Technical Sound Designer.
From all three offers it can be read that they are looking for someone with experience in Unreal Engine 4 and 5 for the upcoming Star Wars Jedi game. The graphics of the game could get a pretty level up.

Hopefully, this also applies to the performance of the game. As we remember, that was the biggest criticism of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Even if the adventure was convincing in all other aspects, many fans were not enthusiastic about the fact that an “unfinished” game had been brought to the market.

Even more about Star Wars

In addition to the new Star Wars Jedi game, Respawn is also working on a new one First Person Shooter, which is also set in the Star Wars universe. Also on this title can still be many job postings find.
Apart from being inspired by some classic Star Wars games, the development team is silent on further details.
You can find more about the Star Wars Jedi series in our overview.

2023-07-10 08:57:55
#Star #Wars #Jedi #Respawn #Working #Part

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