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Requirements to apply for a Fonacot credit for the first time

If you are thinking of apply for a loan from the National Fund for Workers’ Consumption (Fonacot) and it is the first time that you make this movement, here we tell you what are the requirements that you must meet to process it.

The National Fund for the Consumption of Workers (Fonacot) offers workers in Mexico the possibility of acquire a cash credit, which will allow you to have immediate liquidity to use the money either to acquire a good, service or to face an unforeseen event.

Requirements to apply for a Fonacot loan | Source: Special

Requirements to apply for a Fonacot credit:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a minimum seniority of one year in your current job
  • Your Work Center must be affiliated with Fonacot
  • Have an indefinite or permanent contract
  • Have at least two personal references
  • Present personal cell phone number
  • Proof of address in your name
  • Official identification with photograph and signature (original and copy)
  • Account statement in your name with no more than 3 calendar months; must have your interbank Clabe
  • Last 4 payroll receipts, must be consecutive and the most recent must be within the following 15 days.

You should know that Fonacot credits have preferential interest rates, which only apply for incapacity or disability equal to or greater than 75%; It is also possible to pay it in different installments, which can range from 6 to 30 months.

Consider that if it is the first time you apply for a Fonacot credit, this You will be authorized according to your income and the term you choose, which will be determined with the documentation you present as well as the verification of the information you provided.

Once the credit has been approved, the cash will be deposited into your bank account within a maximum period of time 48 hours.

If you want more information about loans or personal financing, remember to follow the official channels of Oink Oink where you will find all the details of these financial tools.

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