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Renowned Composer Helmy Bakr Reveals Troubled Health and Psychological Condition

Dubai – Al Arabiya.net

Published on: September 10, 2023: 02:07 PM GST Last updated: September 10, 2023: 02:45 PM GST

The great Egyptian composer Helmy Bakr confirmed that he suffers from a very bad psychological and health condition, explaining that he does not leave his sick bed after returning from the hospital.

He expressed his great sadness for those around him, saying that everyone no longer felt comfortable with him after his health crisis. Pointing out that he suffers from some psychological problems that he was unable to overcome, which led to the deterioration of his health, as he has not left his bed for two months. According to what was reported by Al-Masry Al-Youm website.

He also pointed out that his recent health crisis had destroyed much of his wealth, saying: “I lost everything I needed during my illness. I entered the hospital on my feet and left on a chair. I did not leave my house for more than two months, and I waited for God’s command on my bed.”

Composer Helmi Bakr suffered a severe health crisis at the beginning of this year, before he was discharged from the hospital to improve his health, but he has been absent from the artistic scene since then.

It is noteworthy that “Shahryar Al-Fan”, who was married about 13 times, decided to return his wife, Samah Al-Qurashi, to his wife last June, and to return to the “marriage cage” and return his daughter to his embrace again, after they separated for a period, during which Hilmi Bakr went through a number of health crises.

Pictures of Helmi Bakr and Samah Al-Qurashi’s wedding were spread across various social networking sites, and many were keen to congratulate him on returning to her marriage again, after he turned 85 years old.

2023-09-10 10:07:00

#Helmy #Bakr #sick #bed #lost

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