Home » today » Entertainment » Remarkable news for four remaining residents: ‘Big brother’ does not stop after 100 this year, but already after 86 days

Remarkable news for four remaining residents: ‘Big brother’ does not stop after 100 this year, but already after 86 days

And then there were four of them. The Dutchman Tobias van Veen (26) has to leave the house just before the final week. Remarkably, the residents did not know until recently that the final is already next Saturday. Earlier than the usual hundred days.

Eva De Poorter

For Tobias, it was his first nomination since he stepped into the house on December 31, 2021. So an original resident. “I feel very strange, it is incomprehensible,” he says afterwards. “I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone at home again, but at the same time it’s also strange to leave them here.” Strange too, because in the house he has become good friends with Grace. Over the past few weeks it was clear to see how the two grew towards each other. Big brother she even gifted a romantic dinner.

“We are very good friends”, Tobias clarifies afterwards with presenters Peter Van de Veire and Geraldine Kemper. “We find each other attractive, but we’ll see. She also said from the beginning that there was someone in the outside world, I don’t want to interfere with that. We immediately made it clear in the house, so that it didn’t take on a life of its own. I told Grace that I hoped she would win. It’s right for her. She will make that dream come true. She is going to win,” it sounds convinced.

86 days

With that, the final week has started, with the apotheosis next Saturday. On Wednesday, another candidate will be dropped, for which voting can now take place. Another remarkable thing: the final will stop next Saturday Big brother not on 100 days but on 86 days. According to SBS, that decision was already made beforeóbefore the program started, but they never mentioned it. An element of surprise for the residents.

Here are the four finalists:

• Kristof Timmers (30)

Stabroek (BE)

Geography teacher/Schlager singer

Been in the house since January 2nd

Is the only one already sure of a spot in the final thanks to the win of the golden key

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Nouchine Broodhaers (25)

Gent (BE)


Has been in the house since December 31, 2021

Has been nominated

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• Grace Rodrigues (35)

Breda (NL)

job seeker

Has been in the house since December 31, 2021

Has been nominated

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• Salar Abbasi Abraasi (27)

Assendelft (NL)


Been in the house since January 3rd

Has already won 3,089 euros in the game for the golden key, which Kristof eventually won and yielded the final spot.

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