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Regular consumption of yogurt to maintain immunity

KOMPAS.com – Keep immune and implementing health protocols are two things that can protect us from contracting Covid-19. What we consume plays an important role in creating endurance.

Various studies have concluded that maintaining the health of the microbiome (microorganism ecosystem) is the key to maintaining health.

In addition to increasing endurance, the balance of bacteria in the gut also improves digestive function, reduces inflammation, and reduces the risk of cancer.

photo" data-photolink="http://lifestyle.kompas.com/image/2021/02/28/140917520/rutin-konsumsi-yogurt-untuk-jaga-kekebalan-tubuh?page=2" style="float: left;padding: 0 20px 20px 0;max-width: 100%;width:300px">Greenfields Overnight oats with yogurt mixture.-The easiest way to have a balance of gut bacteria is to consume it regularly probiotics. For example yogurt, kefir, and various other fermented foods.

Also read: Is it true that probiotics can help you lose weight?

Yogurt become the choice of many people because it is practical and also has a variety of flavors. Yogurt is a dairy product that has been fermented so that the lactose in milk has turned into lactic acid.

Yogurt has ingredients that are beneficial to our bodies such as good bacteria (probiotics) and dietary fiber which can help the digestive system function and strengthen endurance; calcium which helps strengthen bones and teeth; Vitamins B6 and B12, ribo? Avin, potassium, magnesium.

Beware of added sugar

The real yogurt, has a sour taste as a result of the fermentation process of lactose into lactic acid, so we have to be careful in choosing which product is the actual yogurt product.

Also read: Processing Yogurt into Healthy Food Creations

Look again at the taste of the yogurt you consume because if it’s too sweet, chances are the yogurt has been added with a high enough sugar content.

Yogurt is also made from real milk, not powdered milk, and is processed at the right temperature so that there are good bacteria that are beneficial to health, including Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus.

Basically, yogurt is safe for consumption every day, but it should be no more than three cups per day to get optimal benefits.

For a variety of flavors, we can add fruit as a topping for yogurt, or if we want to be more practical, we can buy yogurt products that already contain fruit.

Bored with the way of consumption? We can also process yogurt into various types of healthy foods, such as overnight oats, mix smoothies, or make them into popsicles for children.

Also read: Does Happiness Boost Your Immunity?

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