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Registered domain for new Prince of Persia apparently only fake

Are you preparing the return of Prince of Persia at Ubisoft? At least this was indicated by a new domain for Prince of Persia 6, which Ubisoft announced on May 4, according to Game rant with reference to one Reddit post should have registered.

The latter, however, has now been used with one Update updated: It says that the name of the owner of the domain does not match what Ubisoft normally states when registering domains. In addition, the domain should currently still have the status ClientHold and has therefore not yet been paid for. All of this clearly indicates that this is probably a false message.

The Persian prince made a short comeback with a guest appearance in For Honor, but in the past Ubisoft has already pointed out the overly similarities to the Assassin’s Creed brand that emerged from Prince of Persia. Therefore, a new Prince of Persia has been described as relatively unlikely. Since Assassin’s Creed has been practicing kneeling before RPG since Origins, there would theoretically be room for a more action-oriented approach in which the Prince of Persia could reappear with acrobatics and sword fighting.

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