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Region, go to quick swabs at the pharmacy: in Rimini there are 24 affiliated companies

Everything’s ready, Monday 21 December we leave. After the serological tests intended for the school world – from the staff to the students, with their relatives – i quick swabs in the pharmacy, with outcome in 15 minutes, for the second, massive screening campaign, always voluntary and free, wanted by Emilia Romagna region to strengthen the fight to Coronavirus.

A further action, made possible thanks the agreement with the territorial trade associations of public and private affiliated pharmacies, carried out with a specific objective: to test more and more people, to intercept the new asymptomatic positives as quickly as possible and to extinguish any outbreaks in the bud, starting from those at school and family.

Over 2 million citizens, from children to adults, potentially interested from the new epidemiological investigation, which will continue until 30 June 2021 (term possibly extendable) and will offer the possibility to all recipients of repeat the test once a month. And I’m 374 pharmacies that have already joined from Piacenza to Rimini only one week after signing the agreement but the list, which can be consulted on the Region’s website https://salute.regione.emilia-romagna.it/antigenico-farmacie, is constantly updated. From Monday, therefore, it will be possible make appointment to carry out the self-administered rapid swab with the qualified assistance of the pharmacist.

Recipients, in addition to pharmacists who participate in the project, are the same citizens of the screening with rapid serological tests launched last October 19 and still in progress, which has already involved 326,000 people and detected Coronavirus positivity after confirmation molecular swab in about 600 people (0.2%), thus defusing the potential onset of as many outbreaks.

The invitation to participate, valid for citizens who have health care in the region, is therefore aimed at all schoolchildren and students gives 0 to 18 years e i of age attending the upper secondary school, with them parents (even if separated and / or not cohabiting and guardians / custodians), brothers e sisters and others family members cohabiting as well as non-cohabiting grandparents; college students who have a general practitioner in Emilia-Romagna and those who, although assisted here, attend universities outside the region. And again: the staff of educational services 0-3 years and that scholastic of every order and grade, including Training bodies which provide i Vocational education and training courses (IeFP) and the students who attend them.

The region’s financial investment is substantial will reimburse the pharmacies € 16.76 for each test, between material procurement, personal protective equipment and remuneration of the service.

“Also in this case we are talking about an unprecedented operation in Italy, which required and will require an extraordinary organizational and economic effort, from the Region and the pharmacies that have decided to join or will do so in the coming weeks – says the Councilor for Policies for health, Raffaele Donini-. For health, an extra weapon to stem the epidemic curve also in view of a possible third wave, and for the citizens of our region, potentially almost half, the possibility of checking, free of charge and in total safety, if they have entered contact with the virus. Now that the long-awaited vaccine is there – continues Donini – and Emilia-Romagna is ready to start vaccinating health workers and residents of nursing homes at the beginning of January, we must resist, continuing to exploit all possible tools. to prevent and counter the spread of the virus “.

Pharmacies that have already joined

A week after the signing of the agreement, I am 374 out of 1.349 (as of this morning) affiliated pharmacies public or private they have already joined the initiative, 28% of the total number present in the region, increasing by the hour. A Piacenza 31 pharmacies responded positively (32% of the total), a Parma 44 (31%), a Reggio Emilia 40 (26%), a Modena 51 (25%), a Bologna 86 (29%), a Ferrara 17 (13%), a Ravenna 34 (31%), a Forlì-Cesena 47 (40%), a Rimini 24 (24%).

What citizens must do

Per carry out the test it is necessary, from 21 December, make an appointment with the pharmacist, by consulting the list of members on the Region’s website https://salute.regione.emilia-romagna.it/antigenico-farmacie

The pharmacist will take care, during the booking phase, to inform the citizen that the activity will be performed in autotest.  In case of minors, a parent or guardian must give their consent and be present to test the minor himself. The activity will always be carried out in compliance with all safety measures, from the mandatory and correct use of the mask, which will be lowered only at the time of sampling and then repositioned correctly, to hand sanitation, from body temperature control to spacing.

Precisely because it comes to a screening aimed only at people without symptoms, for the safety of citizens and pharmacists the test cannot be performed if in the last 10 days you have had close contact with people suffering from Covid-19, if you have a fever above 37.5 ° C or respiratory symptoms. For citizens who find themselves in these conditions, other paths are in fact active.

Demonstration video

To show how the test takes place (in a very simple way) a demonstration video, available at the same link on the regional website.

Test result

The pharmacist will register the data of the person undergoing the test on the regional pharmacy portal; the result is sent to the public health physician of the local health service and to the general practitioner. In case of positivity, the citizen will have to remain in isolation at his home avoiding contact with other people, waiting to be contacted by telephone by the public sanctity services of his own Ausl to perform the nasopharyngeal molecular swab, which can confirm or not the presence of the virus.

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