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Region colors: here is who risks the orange zone from Monday – Chronicle

Rome, 25 February 2021 – Tomorrow (Friday) is as usual the day of color change of the regions. The ISS will communicate the outcome of the weekly report with the first evidence of the transmissibility index Rt which – as the Minister of Health Speranza said in parliament starts to exceed 1. Then the control room will meet and the decisions of Minister Speranza will be known. Today at the government-local authorities summit, the Minister of Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini confirmed that in the new Dpcm the color zone system will remain. Meanwhile, the data continue to worry: according to Agenas eight regions crossed the 30% threshold employment of intensive care. And according to the Gimbe Foundation, a boom in infections in 41 provinces.

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Six regions in the balance

Currently they seem six regions in the balance to pass from the yellow to the orange zone: Piedmont, Marche, Basilicata, Puglia and Lombardy and Lazio. Everything will obviously depend on the data that will come out of the ISS monitoring. The regions are obviously confident that they can remain yellow.

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We must also keep in mind that in many territories there will be further restrictions (dark orange zones and red micro zones) compared to the national framework due to the spread of variants. This is the case of the Tuscany (in the orange zone) but with some cities where the red zone could even be triggered (this is the case of Pistoia and SIena, that go into lockdown). Then there is the case of‘Emilia Romagna dove Bologna from Monday 1st March goes to the dark orange zone after that already other 14 municipalities they entered this reinforced local band.

Fears also in Campania where the mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris fears a return to the red zone.

Since when the changes

The regions that change zone tomorrow will enter the new one from Monday: the Minister of Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini, confirmed today to the Regions that the ordinances will come into force on Monday and no longer on Sunday.

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