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Regent of West Bandung Explains Rotation of ASN Positions in the Regency

West Bandung

Regent of West Bandung Hengky Kurniawan activists reported to the KPK regarding the rotation of ASN positions in West Bandung Regency (KBB). Hengky then opened his voice by explaining the matter of rotating ASN positions.

Reported detikjabar, Saturday (13/5/2023), Hengky gave an explanation about the rotation of positions through his personal Instagram account. Hengky said the rotation of positions in the West Bandung Regency Government had been carried out according to the rules.

“Don’t equate ASN now with the old days where there were echelon IVs. There is a policy of assigning administrative positions to functional positions with a background of bureaucratic reform,” wrote Hengky.

Hengky said this refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (PAN-RB RI) Number 28 of 2019 concerning Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions. He said ASN who deserved a promotion would get a promotion.

“Now there are no echelon IVs, there are functional officials. So if a functional employee is fit for promotion, there’s no problem becoming echelon III. We make sure that everything that is done is correct according to applicable law. Thank you,” said Henry.

Previously, Hengky was reported by someone on behalf of the Head of West Bandung Youth Activists, Bilal Al Fariz. He reported Hengky regarding allegations of corruption in the rotation of ASN West Bandung Regency administration positions.

Read more at here.

Also watch ‘Mountaining Garbage at the Cileunyi Healthy Market’:


2023-05-13 06:27:58

#Reported #KPK #ASN #Position #Rotation #Hengky #Kurniawan #Opened #Voice

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