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Redfall co-director reflects on 16 years at Arkane after Microsoft’s studio closures

Redfall Co-Director Reflects on 16-Year Journey at Arkane

Harvey Smith, the co-director of Redfall, took to social media platform X to share his thoughts on his 16 years at Arkane, a renowned game development company. Founded in 1999 by a group of French developers, Arkane has produced several critically acclaimed titles including Dishonored and Prey.

Smith’s contemplations came in the wake of Microsoft’s recent announcement of closing numerous Bethesda Studios, including Arkane Austin, the team behind the upcoming co-op vampire shooter Redfall.

An Exemplary Legacy at Arkane

During his extensive tenure at Arkane, Smith held the position of co-creative director alongside company president Raphaël Colantonio starting from 2008. His dedication and contribution to projects like Dishonored and Prey have been acknowledged by the gaming community.

Colantonio, who had co-founded Arkane, departed from the company in 2017 to establish WolfEye Studios.

Cherished Memories and Unyielding Support

Smith expressed his appreciation for the team and the unique company culture at Arkane. He stated, “It was 16 years for me. Some games I will always treasure. Very proud of the team and culture. No place is perfect, but we cared a lot and put in effort.”

Smith also emphasized his current efforts to assist his colleagues in finding new opportunities, indicating his unwavering dedication even after his departure. The bond among the team at Arkane extended beyond their roles as work colleagues, exemplifying the strong friendships forged at the studio.

The Power of Collaborative Creativity

Reflecting on his time at Arkane, Smith recognized the collective experiences shared with his colleagues, both in terms of crafting games and immersing themselves in various gaming experiences, such as tabletop role-playing games like D&D and Magic.

Smith conveyed, “Studios thrive on this and some of the same creators have been playing D&D, Magic, et al for literally decades together. Some of our best work, actually, haha. And often the fuel for our creative fires.”

Mounting Concerns and Hope for Change

Smith acknowledged the ups and downs of the industry and recognized the dedication of creators across various fields. He expressed his gratitude for being able to contribute to projects that resonate with people and has garnered awards and recognition among players.

Concerning the recent studio closures, Smith’s thoughtfulness extended to the people impacted. He expressed hope for better conditions in the industry and conveyed his purpose of supporting colleagues and fostering brilliant creative endeavors.

Many fellow individuals within Arkane, as well as Bethesda and the wider gaming industry, have shared their own thoughts on Microsoft’s decision to close Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and Alpha Dog.

The Future of Arkane Lyon

Smith acknowledged Arkane Lyon’s potential to thrive as a leading studio and expressed his support for the talented individuals leading the team. He highlighted the importance of their remarkable skills and the dedication of these individuals in shaping a successful future for the studio.

Final Words of Appreciation

Smith concluded his reflection with a poignant statement, “We endure these things because we care about the people, the work. And when it comes together, as a brilliant relationship or a brilliant creative work, it is literally the purpose of existence.”

As the industry processes this news, it remains to be seen how the affected individuals and studios will adapt and find new avenues for their creative endeavors.

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