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Recover your iPhone 11 one year after it was stolen

As we have shared many times, there are rare instances where lucky users have managed to get their iPhone back to full working order after facing the most incredible conditions. But a new fact competes to overcome all the previous ones. And it is so late, but surely, that a user was able to share how he recovered his iPhone a year after his theft.

iPhone 11 blackIPhone 11 is spectacular

As one Reddit user shared, this recovered his iPhone 11 after his car was stolen in March 2020 and fly your new iPhone along with other things; all thanks to the “Find My iPhone” application.

As most of us would, this user turned to the app “Find my” to find where his iPhone is, without much luck and abandon it for lost.

Almost a year later received an email alert stating that the iPhone was turned on. Without thinking too much, he contacted the police, who sent someone to check and locate the iPhone:

“_I called the local police, explained the situation to them and gave them my police report number. An incredible assistant went to the scene immediately and in less than an hour he has taken him into custody and can come and get him _ “

Even if Apple has systems that allow users to lock their devices remotely in case they are stolen to deter thieves, some keep trying thefts anyway.

Know more: Why stealing an iPhone is useless today

Most criminals also tend to turn off devices to prevent them from being located, but maybe only then have they waited so long. And while it makes sense to assume the owner has had enough time to get hold of a new mobile, it is a great chance to have recovered your iPhone 11.

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