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Recognizing Heart Disease at a Young Age: Key Characteristics and Symptoms


You need to know the characteristics of heart disease at a young age. The reason is, so far heart disease has been synonymous with elderly people, so many people are not aware of the presence of this deadly disease.

One of the causes of heart disease at a young age is poor lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics of heart disease at a young age. That way, intervention efforts can be carried out as early as possible so that heart disease can be treated and is not life threatening.

Characteristics of Heart Disease at a Young Age

1. Chest pain

One of the most common characteristics of heart disease at a young age is pain in the chest area. Usually, this pain is caused by blockages in the arteries.

The pain can last for several minutes, and can occur both during activity and at rest.

2. Fatigue

Fatigue is actually a common thing that occurs in the body. But fatigue that occurs continuously and doesn’t go away needs to be watched out for. Because, this could be a sign of disease, including heart disease.

In heart disease, fatigue can be caused by a decrease in blood and oxygen supply to the brain and muscles. This happens because the heart experiences problems that prevent it from pumping enough blood to the body organs that need it. As a result, blood that should flow to parts such as the muscles of the hands and feet is instead channeled to more priority organs, such as the heart and brain.

3. Shortness of breath

Under certain conditions, shortness of breath can be a sign of heart disease at a young age. When the heart cannot pump enough blood throughout the body, the body will compensate by breathing more quickly to get oxygen from the air. This is what triggers heart disease sufferers to often feel short of breath or stuffy.

4. Pain in the left side of the body

Another characteristic of heart disease at a young age that you need to watch out for is pain on the left side of your body. The pain usually appears first in the chest, then spreads to the outside of the chest, such as the shoulders and arms.

This pain can be caused by a blockage in the blood vessels. Pain can also be an indication that the heart muscle is experiencing problems that prevent it from pumping blood properly.

5. Pain in the Throat and Jaw

Pain in the throat and jaw can be caused by many things. However, if these symptoms are also accompanied by chest pain, it could be a sign of heart disease.

As previously explained, chest pain experienced by people with heart disease can spread to other parts of the body. Apart from spreading to the hands or feet, the pain can also spread to other areas such as the throat and jaw. Therefore, immediately consult a doctor if you experience pain in the throat and jaw, accompanied by chest pain.

6. Cold Sweat

Cold sweats, especially at night, can be a sign of heart disease at a young age. This occurs when the heart tries to pump blood through blocked vessels.

This forces the heart to work harder. In response, the body will produce sweat to reduce the heart’s workload.

7. Swelling in the Legs

Symptoms of heart disease at a young age can also include swelling in the leg area. This occurs when the heart experiences problems that prevent it from pumping blood quickly.

As a result, blood flow becomes slow and causes bloating. This then triggers swelling in the leg area.

Watch the video “Heart Disease, Old People’s Disease?”


2023-12-07 10:31:07
#Signs #Heart #Disease #Young #Age #Appearing #Secretly #Realizing

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