Home » today » Business » Rebecca Uriarte Launches Animal Sterilization Campaign in Upper Glen for Local Deputy Candidacy

Rebecca Uriarte Launches Animal Sterilization Campaign in Upper Glen for Local Deputy Candidacy

Culiacan, Sin.- This Sunday the candidate for the local deputy head of the area 12, Rebecca Uriartehe made campaigns sterilization for animals in the region Upper Glen.

Through an extended call in your accounts social networkscandidate than Ecological Green Partythey urged citizens to donate their homeless pets and dogs to the campaign sterilization.

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He explained that the dynamic is that the animals are made pre-active analysis and to ensure that the procedure adheres to everyone health and safety management of the animal.

“Tomorrow is our event of 100 free sterilizations with advance registration, however, it is not just to work, it offers a reasonable and quality service to our animals… From the -what we started visiting those who are registered to the service. “Preoperative analysis to ensure that the animal is suitable for surgery, because safety is the most important thing.”he explained.

On the other hand, there are other candidates area 12 place, like Yadira Marcos from Morenahas focused his campaign activity on tours and joining the candidate for mayor of Culiacán, Juan de Dios Gámez Mendivil.

In turn, the candidate of Labor Party, Rodolfo Audelo held a volleyball challenge on the sports field in The Spark.

2024-05-12 21:05:33
#candidate #promotes #pet #sterilization #campaigns #Valle #Alto

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