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Reasons to Take Antibiotics Must Be Spent

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

When sick and go to the doctor, usually there is one drug that is prescribed and must be spent within a certain time. The drug is called antibiotics.

Many people think that antibiotics are a cure for all diseases. In other words, ‘divine medicine’ which is effective in treating any disease.

Not infrequently people save antibiotics when they feel healed. Thinking will reuse it when a similar illness comes along. In fact, antibiotics must be spent and taken according to the doctor’s advice.

A specialist in internal medicine consultant for tropical diseases and infections at RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Erwin Astha Triyono explained, antibiotics must be spent according to the doctor’s prescription. The reason, doctors have calculated when and how many doses are used to kill bacteria in the body.

“Why, right, must the antibiotics run out? Yes, because it has been calculated, for certain bacteria, at a certain time, the bacteria will die. So taking more antibiotics than the prescription will be redundant, less than the prescription will not kill all the bacteria,” Erwin said in a statement. virtual discussion with Pfizer, Thursday (10/6).

Before prescribing medication, the doctor will diagnose what causes the patient’s illness. If it is caused by bacteria, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

The doctor will also calculate how many bacteria are in the body, how many doses are needed for the bacteria to die and not infect.

Antibiotics that are not taken properly according to the doctor’s recommendations can also cause resistant bacteria. As a result, bacterial resistance will cause the disease to become more severe in the future.

Illustration. Antibiotics must be taken according to the doctor’s prescription. (Istockphoto/ Ayo888)-

“The bacteria don’t all die, some live in the body and mutate. When they infect again, the same antibiotics may not work,” said Erwin. You may end up having to take higher doses of antibiotics to get better.

“There are disadvantages if you don’t take antibiotics, first, higher doses, more expensive, the disease can be more severe,” said Director of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment of the Ministry of Health, Imran Agus Nurali, in the same discussion.

Imran also advised people not to buy antibiotics in the market. Antibiotics should not be given arbitrarily despite the similarity of certain symptoms or diseases.

The reason, Imran explained, is that antibiotics are drugs used to prevent and treat infections caused by bacteria. Use is devoted only to diseases caused by bacteria such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, diphtheria, urinary tract infections, and others.

“People think antibiotics can treat anything, but this is wrong and dangerous. Antibiotics are only used to treat diseases caused by bacteria, while diseases can also be caused by viruses or fungi,” said Imran.

For this reason, the public is again reminded to take antibiotics as recommended by doctors to prevent antibiotic resistance. People are also not advised to buy antibiotics freely.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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