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Ralf Möller fires at “Maybrit Illner” sharply against corona policy

Ralf Möller has sharply criticized the federal government’s corona and vaccination policy.

© Thomas Kienzle / dpa

Ralf Möller is considered a sharp critic of vaccination policy in Germany. In “Maybrit Illner”, the Hollywood star has now taken on German politicians.

Recklinghausen – “Gladiator” Ralf Möller (62) has been staying in Recklinghausen instead of Los Angeles for almost half a year to support his over 80-year-old parents in the corona pandemic. Since then, the Hollywood star has not missed an opportunity to criticize the corona policy in Germany. At “Maybrit Illner” he now messed with politicians.

actor Ralf Möller
Born January 12, 1959 (age 62), in Recklinghausen
Spouse Annette Möller (married 1990-2013)
children Jacqueline Möller, Laura Möller

Ralf Möller criticizes the Corona policy in Germany at “Maybrit Illner”

“Prioritize instead of improvise – why do the Germans fail?” Was the central question that talk show host Maybrit Illner (56) asked her guests on Thursday (March 11th). Most of those present – including politician Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) – did not at all take the view that Germany had failed in its corona policy. Only with one question did the presenter hit the bull’s eye: Hollywood star Ralf Möller.

Ralf Möller is now known for his sometimes harsh criticism of the German corona policy – and raged straight away in the talk show on Thursday (March 11th): For months he has had the chaos in the organization of the vaccination appointments “live” and be able to follow the missing information in the corona pandemic.

Ralf Möller from Recklinghausen: Corona management of the federal government is “a disaster”

In September 2020 Ralf Möller came to Germany to film – and stayed without further ado to give his parents a hand in the pandemic. The actor has been living in his house in Recklinghausen for several months, as he revealed on the talk show “Late Night Berlin” – and had to fight for weeks for a vaccination appointment for Helmut (91) and Ursula Möller (85).

The judgment of the Hollywood star after this experience: The German bureaucracy and thoroughness in corona management are “a disaster”. The bottom line is that politics “absolutely failed. What is clear is that we slept. We don’t play in the Bundesliga, but in the district class, ”said the 62-year-old on the talk show (more news about NRW celebrities on RUHR24.de).

Ralf Möller with his parents Helmut and Ursula. The actor moved back from Los Angeles to his parents’ house in Recklinghausen.

© Bernd Thissen / dpa

Gladiator Ralf Möller takes on “Maybrit Illner” with SPD politician and Green politician

The actor’s biggest points of criticism of the corona policy: There is “too much discussion”. In addition, help would not reach the entrepreneurs. And how should his very old parents book a vaccination appointment alone on the Internet and come to the vaccination center with their walkers? Specifically, the actor called for more pragmatism in the decisions.

Reactions to the Hollywood star’s harsh attack on politics came promptly – from the politicians present. Anna Kebschull (Greens), district administrator for the district of Osnabrück, pointedly commented on Ralf Möller’s statements: “We are actually even better at making things worse, as it seems to me.”

Nevertheless, the Green politician also had to admit: “This discrepancy between promises and what has already been organized is currently large.”

Video: Time out in the Ruhr area: Hollywood star Ralf Möller surprises his fans

Thorsten Frei, deputy chairman of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, was of the opinion: “We have made big problems and mistakes. But you have to see one thing: You can’t speak of failure. ”And SPD politician Sigmar Gabriel also stated that from his point of view it was wrong to say that“ everything went down the drain ”. Incomprehensible for Ralf Möller, who continued to criticize: “It cannot be acceptable for everyone to say that everything went well.”

Ralf Möller is back in Recklinghausen: Hollywood star is fighting for vaccination appointments for parents

After all: Ralf Möller’s parents Ursula and Helmut have now received a vaccination appointment: The Möller Seniors should receive their first vaccination on Wednesday (March 17th). The actor recently announced on Instagram: “Mother is looking forward to the vaccination appointment – I’m not so sure.”

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