Home » today » News » Rachkov surprised! Made a big decision – 2024-04-09 15:58:00

Rachkov surprised! Made a big decision – 2024-04-09 15:58:00

Our famous comedian and presenter of “Like two drops of water” Dimitar Rachkov surprise with unexpected gesture the curtain on his personal life and showed his mother Stanka in the audience of the show.

The actor’s mother sat in the first row together with her two nieces, whose names the uncle confused, first congratulating Elena on her birthday, and then it turned out that Simona had a holiday.

And this is not only because of the excitement, but also because Dimitar Ramkov’s nephews are as many as four, while he has only one heir who bears his name, writes Minaha years.

His younger brother Peter is a father of many children, but this does not prevent him from always being in the eye of the scandal. In March 2021, he was sentenced to one year and three months after pleading guilty to drug possession. In March of the same year, he was detained after a chase with a police car on the road from Burgas to Sredets.

He threw away the drugs, hit the patrol car that was chasing him, and when he was arrested, he was found to be driving without a license. Because of Peter’s continuous problems with the law, his father Bai Minko fell ill, but after proper treatment in Sofia, he is back on his feet. Years ago, however, he could hardly move, and his wife Stanka took over his care.

The brother of the comedian has one marriage behind him – since 2006, and his wife Dimitrina was a terrible beauty, Burgaz residents claim. However, she quickly filed for divorce because of his gambling addiction.

Now Peter lives with another woman – the mother of his two sons, her name is Zlatina. Apparently, in addition to racing with the police, Peter also falls for the thin part, as soon as he managed to create as many as four children, he is outwitted from the side. His brother had never mentioned his many nieces and nephews before showing two of them in The Drops.

This is also a gesture to their father Petar, who after his stay in prison decided to get on the right path and even enrolled as a student at the Burgas Free University while continuing to work in a food delivery company. Rachkov apparently forgave the black sheep in his family, and at the insistence of his mother.

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