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‘Queen of Figure Skating’ Yuna Kim Named Honorary Ambassador for 60th Anniversary of Korea-Canada Diplomatic Relations

Korea-Canada 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2023

Tamara Moffini (left), Acting Canadian Ambassador to Korea, and Yuna Kim. Provided by the Canadian Embassy in Korea

“Queen of figure skating” Kim Yuna was named honorary ambassador next year at the 60th anniversary of Korea-Canada diplomatic relations.

The Canadian embassy in Korea issued a press release on the 13th and announced that it had named Yuna Kim as honorary ambassador for the 60th anniversary of Korea-Canada diplomatic relations. According to the embassy, ​​Yuna Kim’s appointment as honorary ambassador occurred when acting ambassador Tamara Moffini sent a letter to Yuna Kim. In a letter, Acting Ambassador Moffini said, “Many Canadians would consider it an honor to serve as Honorary Ambassador for Canada, given his accomplishments as a world-class figure skating legend, his long stint in Canada, and his courage and inspiration for countless women.” Korea and Canada established diplomatic relations in 1963 and will celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations next year.

Yuna Kim said, “I am very happy to be selected as an honorary ambassador because Canada is a place with which I have a deep personal connection.” She pointed out: “Canada is a place where I trained extensively as an athlete and where I won an Olympic gold medal.” Interim Ambassador Moffini responded by saying: “I am very happy to be with you on the special journey of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.” Yuna Kim will participate in related activities as an honorary ambassador for next year.

Meanwhile, the Korean embassy in Canada announced that it has named Korean-Canadian actress Yoon Jin-hee as an honorary ambassador for the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations. She plays the main character’s mother in the popular Canadian sitcom ‘Kim’s Convenience Store’. She also won Best Actress in a Comedy at the 2022 Canadian Screen Awards.

Reporter Kim Hyun-ah

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