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Quan Hongchan’s Mysterious Interview Avoidance Raises Questions

[Voice of Hope, October 3, 2023](Comprehensive report by our reporter Li Hui) On October 3, in the women’s 10-meter platform preliminaries of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Quan Hongchan ranked first and advanced to the finals that night. However, At the end of the game, he quickly ran out of the interview area, leaving behind a bunch of reporters with anxious faces.

After winning the women’s synchronized 10-meter platform diving gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games on the 30th with Chen Yuxi, Quan Hongchan advanced to tonight’s women’s 10-meter platform final with a score of 418.15 points this morning (3rd).

Quan Hongchan walked off the platform and put on her clothes. After putting down her schoolbag, Quan Hongchan ran across the interview area against the partition. Outside the partition on the other side, a reporter held a doll and shouted “Don’t run, don’t run” to Quan Hongchan. Quan Hongchan ignored it and ran directly to the coach. The coach answered for Quan Hongchan: “No more, no more.”

On September 30, after Quan Hongchan won the championship, she also treated the interview in the same way.

Quan Hongchan, 16 years old, comes from a rural family. She is the eldest of five children in the family. He gave up school and dived to earn money to support his family and treat his mother’s illness.

Quan Hongchan attracted public attention after winning the 10-meter platform single diving gold medal at the Tokyo Olympics in August 2021. She said in an interview at the time that her mother was ill and had been in a traffic accident. Her mother’s medical treatment costs a lot of money, so she has to earn money and send it home to her mother for medical treatment. She also said that she has not been to the zoo.

After Quan Hongchan became a well-known Olympic champion and her family’s financial situation was exposed, their family received some relief. There were reports that the family later started live broadcasts and sold agricultural products, and the family situation improved.

I don’t know if I avoided the interview this time because I was worried about saying the wrong thing, or because I was asked not to be interviewed. In a previous video, a reporter wanted to give a doll to Quan Hongchan, but Quan Hongchan said, “No, we can’t accept it.” There seems to be a rule not allowing them to accept gifts.

However, most netizens expressed their love for Quan Hongchan, calling her innocent and cute, and interpreted her refusal to accept interviews as “social phobia”.

Editor in charge: Lin Li

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2023-10-03 09:34:31

#reporters #stunned #Quan #Hongchan #advance #womens #10meter #platform #finals #quickly #fled #interview #area #game #Video

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