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PwC: Many CEOs feel too “cybersecure”


In September and October 2019, PwC asked 1,581 CEOs in 83 countries to what extent they feel threatened by certain dangers. In Austria, 26 percent expressed great concerns about protectionism, followed by populism and trade conflicts, each with 24 percent.

Cyber ​​attacks were mentioned by 21 percent (global: 33 percent). Numerous domestic companies still believed themselves “on a dangerous ‘island of the blessed'”, says Georg Beham, partner and cybersecurity & privacy leader at PwC Austria. However, such an assumption “does not in any way correspond to the real risk of the global cyber threat that already exists in Austria”.

38 percent of domestic CEOs see a “lack of cybersecurity talent” as a challenge. “Currently, the number of training places and the range of training courses can no longer meet the demand,” says Beham and pleads for measures to counteract a shortage.

“Otherwise, the increasing need for qualified experts will lead to a scarcity of resources that will make it impossible for Austrian companies to react appropriately to future requirements,” said Beham.

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