Home » today » Business » PVV only spent 4,500 euros on advertisements, NSC nothing

PVV only spent 4,500 euros on advertisements, NSC nothing

After the VVD, GroenLinks-PvdA and D66 spent the most on advertisements, around 3 million and 2.9 million euros respectively. The difference between these three parties and the rest is large: no party spent more than 764,000 euros.

In total, parties spent 13.2 million euros on advertisements. About 11 million euros of that went to traditional advertisements, 2.3 million euros to social media campaigns. Both these amounts are lower than for the 2021 elections, when parties spent a total of 17.7 million euros on advertisements: 3.1 million euros on social media and 14.6 million on other advertisements.

About these numbers

The figures for spending on social media come from fieldmonitor, a collaboration between De Groene Amsterdammer, Who Targets Me and UvA researcher Fabio Votta. Expenditure on other advertisements – such as advertisements in newspapers, on websites, radio and television spots – is tracked by research agency Nielsen.

This article is specifically about advertisements. Costs for, for example, campaign meetings or party members handing out flyers on the street are not included.

97 percent go to social media

In general, more is spent on traditional advertising, but for some parties the ratio is completely different. For example, no less than 97 percent of Forum for Democracy’s advertising budget went to social media. DENK, BBB and the PVV also spent more on social media than on traditional advertisements.

For the latter party, this is not due to the large social media budget: only 4,500 euros went to it one paid advertisement from party leader Geert Wilders. That was also the only paid advertisement that the PVV had made.

“That does not mean that Geert Wilders was not on social media,” says researcher Fabio Votta. “He can just post things and use his organic reach, but has hardly paid for advertising.”

With that one item of 4,500 euros, the PVV still spent more than the other big winner of the elections, NSC of Pieter Omtzigt. “Our total campaign budget for paid marketing is 0 euros,” a party spokesperson told the campaign monitor.

Fans of Frisian horses or Angerfist

Social media allows parties to target very specific target groups, so-called microtargeting. This is also monitored by the campaign monitor. Researcher Votta says he often sees that parties focus on groups that are likely to vote for that party.

For example, BBB focused on people who are interested in topics such as ‘horse riding’, ‘agricultural machines’ or ‘Frisian horses’. DENK focuses specifically on people who speak Turkish or Arabic, and Belang van Nederland tried to reach people with an interest in martial arts.

Perhaps the most striking example of microtargeting comes from 50PLUS: that party targeted advertisements at fans of the hardcore artist Angerfist.

2023-11-28 09:42:38
#PVV #spent #euros #advertisements #NSC

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