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Pulled out to a loud meow

– The cat Piran saved the day, the police in the English city of Bodmin write Facebook.

HERO OF THE DAY: The cat Piran be hailed by the police and neighbors after the search operation. Photo: Police

On Saturday, an 83-year-old woman was reported missing by worried neighbors.

The search operation had according to BBC lasted for about an hour when a neighbor heard that the pensioner’s cat, Piran, was meowing at a large cornfield.

The meowing led the search crew to a 21 meter deep ravine.

In a stream at the bottom of the ravine, lay the 83-year-old.

There she had been badly injured for several hours.

“The elderly woman had fallen about 21 meters down a very steep embankment with incredibly difficult access and uneven terrain,” Bodmin police wrote on Facebook.

SAVED: The emergency services pictured when they rescued the pensioner from the ravine.

SAVED: The emergency services pictured when they rescued the pensioner from the ravine. Photo: Police

– The outcome could have been much worse

Both the police, fire brigade, air ambulance and ambulances rushed to the scene.

After a two-hour rescue operation, the woman was finally hoisted up and sent to hospital in the air ambulance.

An eyewitness who does not want to be named, tells the BBC it was Piran’s “quite ongoing” meowing that led to the pensioner being found.

– This is a huge “good job” for all the emergency services who worked together, and for Piran. The outcome could have been much worse, says the eyewitness.

The woman’s condition is stable, and on Facebook the Bodmin police write that she is in a good mood and is being well taken care of.

Sky News reports that Piran is being cared for by a neighbor while the owner is in the hospital.

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