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Public workers must go to work with an anticovid vaccination card

The document will be necessary for 1.2 million servers to enter your workplace, as announced by President Duque.

The Government will issue a circular that will make the presentation of the vaccination certificate mandatory for the attendance of 1,268,423 public officials from all over the State to their workplace.

The announcement was made on Thursday afternoon by President Iván Duque, who maintained that immunization against covid-19 should be stimulated from the public sector and, therefore, his Government made the decision to require the document from officials.

“We must encourage, also from the point of view of the public sector, that all officials are vaccinated, and also arriving at their workplace with their vaccination certificate,” said Duque, adding that the measure will serve to support economic reactivation and improve the social environment.

Currently, the document is required so that those over 18 can enter events in which crowds are presented, such as concerts and football matches, but also restaurants, bars and nightclubs. In addition, from the 30th of this month, boys and girls aged 12 and over will also have to have proof of their injections to access various public and private spaces.

In that sense, and taking into account that the Government has contemplated requiring that children under 12 years of age subject to the National Vaccination Plan must also have the certificate later, the Ministry of Health announced that so far they have not been reported Serious adverse effects among the 1,223,740 boys and girls aged 3 to 11 years inoculated with the Sinovac vaccine.

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