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PSI Regrets PDIP Secretary General’s Political Statement on Jokowi-Megawati Meeting


Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) regrets the PDIP Secretary General’s statement Hasto Kristiyanto who brought political matters into the plans for a friendly meeting between President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the General Chair of PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri. PSI DPP Chairman Dedek Prayudi assessed that Hasto failed to understand the essence of friendship.

“Differences in views are a normal matter. Why does it hinder friendship? Due to a mind and heart filled with hatred, Mr. Hasto fails to understand the essence of friendship on this holy day. Don’t stain Eid al-Fitr with hatred,” said Dedek Prayudi in his written statement, Saturday (13/ 4/2024).

Dedek added that Hasto seemed to be spreading provocations so that people would think badly of the leaders. According to him, this attitude actually made the situation worse.

“Pak Hasto’s methods are very dangerous for the life of the nation and state because he is always driven by his desire to make things worse,” continued Dedek.

Dedek added that mechanisms and ways are available to resolve differences of opinion in a civilized manner. If the root of the problem is the holding of the 2024 General Election, the Constitutional Court (MK) is currently working.

“Let’s just wait for the Constitutional Court to work. At the same time, friendship can continue. If friendship is hampered, it could be that we are perpetuating endless hatred and grudges. If that happens, the Indonesian people will suffer losses,” said Dedek.

Previously, Hasto opened his voice about Jokowi and Megawati’s plans for a friendly relationship. Hasto said the twig child said a moment first.

“Yes, actually, Eid is indeed a momentum for friendship and halal bihalal, but in the context related to Mr. Jokowi, many branch children actually say for a moment, let me meet with the branch children first, because they are also a stronghold for Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri,” said PDIP Secretary General, Hasto Kristiyanto, at Megawati’s residence, Jalan Teuku Umar, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday (12/4).

Hasto also explained that so far PDIP is still focused on the dispute over the 2024 election results. He also still mentions the perceived abuse of power.


2024-04-13 12:36:42

#PSI #Hasto #PDIP #Dont #Disfigure #Eid #AlFitr #Hate

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