Home » today » World » Protest against Covid restrictions; Seven people arrested in China Residents clash with Chinese authorities over COVID rules

Protest against Covid restrictions; Seven people arrested in China Residents clash with Chinese authorities over COVID rules

Beijing: Seven people were arrested for protesting Covid restrictions in China. Those who raised a rebellious voice against the authorities against Covid restrictions were arrested. The restrictions were tightened after 2,230 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in China. Restrictions have also been imposed on the country’s technology hub, Guangzhou.

Despite the low number of Covid patients, China is imposing severe restrictions. China is still continuing with quarantine, lockdown and mandatory testing. China’s Shandong Police have announced that strict measures will be taken against those who violate Covid restrictions.

Meanwhile, no further information has been released on the people arrested. At the same time, President Xi Jing Ping had declared that the zero-covid policy will also continue in the Chinese Communist Party conference.

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