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Program to Reduce Stunting and Anemia in Young Women: Pematang Siantar City’s Efforts

Special photo of the program for healthy young women free of stunting and anemia.

Siantar, Lintangnews.com | The Pematang Siantar City Government (Pemko) continues to make efforts to reduce stunting rates. The target for 2023 is that the stunting rate will be 11.08 percent.

Then, in 2024 it is targeted to decrease further to 8.96 percent.

This was conveyed by the Mayor of Pematang Siantar, Dr Susanti Dewayani SpA.

According to him, one of the causes of stunting is anemia. Anemia is a condition where there is a lack of red blood cells in the body, which often occurs in all age groups, especially in adolescent girls and women of childbearing age (WUS), which is caused by iron deficiency in the body.

“Iron is needed by the body in the process of producing hemoglobin, which is an important component in the blood which functions to bind oxygen and deliver oxygen to all body tissue cells,” he explained.

When the body lacks hemoglobin, anemia occurs which can cause complaints and health problems. Normal hemoglobin (Hb) levels in young women are > 12 grams per deciliter (dl).

According to 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) data, the percentage of anemia cases in adolescent girls is 32%, or as many as 3 out of 10 and adolescent girls experience anemia and iron deficiency.

One of the reasons young women are more at risk of experiencing iron deficiency anemia is because a lot of iron is lost during the menstrual cycle.

Apart from the menstrual cycle, other causes are a lack of intake rich in iron and protein, following the wrong diet during the growth period which is not balanced with the nutritional intake needed by the body.

“The impact of anemia on young women (rheumataries) is quite worrying, such as weakness, fatigue and lethargy, decreased health and school performance,” said the Mayor.

In particular, anemia experienced by young women will have a more serious impact. Because teenage girls are prospective mothers who will become pregnant and give birth to babies, they are at risk of giving birth to babies with Low Birth Weight (LBW) and growth retardation (stunting), as well as increasing the risk of maternal death due to bleeding during the birth process.

As an effort to prevent anemia in adolescent girls, the Pematang Siantar City Health Service is implementing a nutritional action program by drinking Blood Additive Tablets (TTD) to prevent anemia and anemia screening to check the Hb levels of adolescent girls.

In the first semester of 2023, no less than 12,868, or 70.34% of young women spread across junior and senior high schools in Pematang Siantar City have received and consumed TTD once a week and 7 days during the menstrual cycle. So there are 8 tablets to be taken for one month.

“Young women need to be healthy, because they are future mothers. An unhealthy mother has the opportunity to give birth to an unhealthy generation. If the mother is unhealthy or anemic, then when she becomes a pregnant mother, she tends to give birth to a LBW baby. Then when giving birth there is a tendency for bleeding to occur. “That’s what will cause the mother’s death rate to be high,” said the Head of the Pematang Siantar City Health Service, Dr. Irma Suryani MKM accompanied by his staff.

So giving iron tablets to young women is very important. They recommend that teenagers consume TTD or iron tablets.

Apart from that, young women must also pay attention to eating a complete, nutritious and balanced diet. Don’t let your diet go wrong, which can prevent iron from being absorbed.

“Don’t eat by drinking sweet tea. Even if we drink bone soup, the iron contained in the vegetables will not be absorbed by our body because it is blocked by the tea. Why do cases of anemia still exist? It turns out that our eating patterns in society are like that. That’s why when you’re eating, don’t mix it with sweet tea or bitter tea. “Drink it with water, so that the iron in vegetables, fish and so on is absorbed by the body,” he advised.

So that when anemia can be treated, the children born to them will not be malnourished, because there is iron needed to capture oxygen in the body.

Stunting is not absolute in economically disadvantaged families. Because poor nutrition and malnutrition are influenced by three causes, namely diet, parenting and sanitation. Diet, meaning that children don’t just eat rice, they don’t just need carbohydrates. Now the program is Fill My Plate, no longer just four healthy and five perfect. The contents of my plate mean some fruit and vegetables and some carbohydrates and protein.

“So diet also affects our young women now. You can go on a diet. Carbohydrate diet, no protein. If protein is reduced, cells will not develop. If protein is reduced, it makes the brains of babies and toddlers slow to develop. Heredity does not cause stunting. “As long as the child is given good nutritional intake and supplemented with exercise, hopefully the child will grow and develop according to his age,” continued Dr. Irma.

When asked about young women who do not go to school, Dr. Irma said that in the future there will be a youth Posyandu program. An integrated Posyandu activity targeting infants to the elderly including teenagers. So it is hoped that teenagers who have dropped out of school will visit this Posyandu.

“In Pematang Siantar City, until August 2023, there were 216 cases of stunting out of which we weighed 10,768 babies. Stunting is in toddlers, so we chase children so they don’t fall into stunting. We have started with pregnant women, we immunize them. The mother visits a health worker at least 6 times during pregnancy. “Once in the first quarter, 2 times in the second quarter, and 3 times in the third quarter,” concluded Dr. Irma. (Rel/Adv)

2023-09-26 15:58:57
#City #Government #Continues #Strive #Siantar #Young #Girls #Healthy #Strong #Free #Anemia #Stunting #LintangNews

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