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Prison officials do not know when and how visits between inmates and family will resume | Radio Alicante | Present

The officials of the prisons of the province of Alicante report that, more than a month after requesting the completion of test For all workers, the administration continues to ignore this request, when they have already been carried out in other centers in Spain. In addition, they criticize that the prisons have not been contemplated in the de-escalation phase, and that they do not know when and how the resumes will resume. communications between inmates and family members.

The Union ACAIP-UGT and the Association Your Abandonment Can Kill Me demand the realization of test to all workers both to prevent the virus from entering the prisons and to convey a sense of security to the inmates. They have requested both the Government Subdelegation and the Ministry of Health.

In addition, the productive workshops from outside companies inside the prison. A first phase began last week and in the second phase the centers of the province of Alicante are already incorporated, both Villena how Fontcalent. “If these workshops are to be opened, it must be done with all the security measures such as their disinfection or that the inmates can change their clothes and shoes after each shift,” says Joaquín Leiva, spokesman for ACAIP-UGT.

At the moment, there is no no contagion by inmates and the incidence among officials has been minimal, specifically 14 infected, although the first worker killed by COVID-19 in Spain was in Fontcalent.

After fifty days of state of alarm, the situation in penitentiary centers is marked by the tension since, during this period, there have been some incidents such as a mutiny on March 15 or an escape attempt on April 18, resolved by officials. The weather of unrest It has increased mainly due to the fact that they have not received for more than a month visits.

Listen Joaquín Leiva: “It is essential that all workers be tested as they have been done in other parts of Spain” in Play SER

Joaquín Leiva, vindicates the importance of workers having protection equipment adequate for the appropriate time, since according to the complaint, they provide surgical masks with which they have to make shifts of up to 24 hours.

Likewise, Leiva criticizes the lack of information that it is reaching the union organizations about the measures that the administration is taking and requests the testing to all workers as it is being done in other centers in Spain such as Segovia or Las Palmas.

For his part, Victoria Martinez, spokesperson for the Association Your Abandonment Can Kill denounces that “the actions of the prison authorities have been marked by to be late almost everything and always at the initiative of the officials. “

Listen Victoria Martinez: “The penitentiary infrastructures are not all the same and in Fontcalent it is vital that the virus does not enter” in Play SER

Add what they’re doing longer shifts to avoid that there are many relays and that in a prison like Fontcalent it is vital that the virus does not enter, since there the Contact with the inmates it is higher, for example because they open and close the cells with a key contrary to what happens in Villena, which are automated. He further insists that many of the inmates are drug addicts, reason why they are population of risk. Therefore, it is essential that they test all workers.

“As in any crisis, when there are shortages already in advance, the lack of personnel is much more evident. Prison Health that is dantesque, the Psychiatric has been days that only has counted on a psychiatrist and some nor that. In Alicante and Villena we are going to stay with three doctors “declares Martínez.

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