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Princess Märtha Louise – New poll: clear words

People don’t seem to be particularly enthusiastic about Princess Märtha Louise’s and Durek Verrett’s businesses. A survey – conducted by InFact on 9 September, on behalf of Dagbladet, of 1,001 respondents – shows little support for Märtha Louise and her future husband Durek Verrett regarding their businesses.

When asked whether the commercial activities of Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett undermine the credibility of the royal house, 62.9% of respondents said yes, 20.8% said no, while 16.2% said they did not know.

In the 45-64 age group, the majority believe that the couple’s business activities undermine the credibility of the royal house. In this group, the figure is 67.6 percent.

Swedish royal expert Johan T. Lindwall was presented with the figures.

– I’m surprised they’re not even taller. Take advantage of the royal house and the monarchy for your profit. It’s certainly not good, and it’s certainly not something that is looked upon with warm eyes among those who are realists, Lindwall tells Dagbladet.

He believes that if the same had happened in Sweden, it would have aroused strong reactions.

– If it had happened, for example, that Chris O’Neill and Princess Madeleine profited from the Swedish royal house, for example, by creating a clothing line or going on tour, it would have been a lot of fun. People had gone mad, Lindwall says.


There has been a storm around the future married couple, Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett. Recently, among other things, Verrett has received massive criticism for his claims that he recovered from the coronavirus with the help of a locket, which he sells on his website for over NOK 2,000.

Nor is it the only time in recent years that he and Märtha Louise have come under criticism in a commercial context. Incidentally, the two were the subject of a great deal of debate when they joined the ‘The Princess and the Shaman’ lecture tour together in 2019.

Another result of InFact’s survey of Dagbladet was the question of whether Märtha Louise should give up the title of princess.

In the poll, which Dagbladet cited earlier, by the way, the vast majority of the men who were asked believed – a whopping 59.3 percent – that Märtha would have to give up the title.

By comparison, 48.4% of Norwegian women felt the same way, while the total showed a clear preponderance – 53.9%. A total of 23 percent thought “no”.

– Increase the effect

Se og Hør royal house expert Caroline Vagle has already received questions about the business interests of Durek Verrett and Duchess Meghan it affects the credibility of the Norwegian and British royal houses respectively. Then she replied:

– There is no doubt that the fact that they are connected to the royal house makes them more interesting and can have a boost effect on sales, Vagle told Dagbladet.

However, he believes that people are able to separate Durek Verrett’s business interests with the royal house.

– What they do to some degree will always reflect the royal house, but I think most people pull that part apart and know that what Durek does is not necessarily something the king and queen represent. When I talk to people I feel they see exactly this distinction, says Vagle.

When asked about the survey results, which indicate that the public believes the couple’s business interests undermine the royal house’s credibility, Vagle replies:

– Of course, all the controversies surrounding them will cause unrest in the royal house, he says and continues:

– But they represent different things, and my opinion is that the vast majority of them manage to separate Verrett and King Harald. But those who are against the monarchy may have a golden opportunity to resume that debate.

He points out that Verrett will never receive official assignments on behalf of the royal house and that he will be seen primarily as Martha Louise’s companion.

– Princess Märtha Louise also has very few official posts. Actually only in connection with the organizations of which she is the protector, as well as as part of the extended family with the aforementioned anniversaries, says Vagle.

TAU: Princess Märtha Louise declined to answer questions about her boyfriend Durek Verrett on Wednesday.
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Stopped using the title

When Märtha Louise and the self-proclaimed shaman Verrett went together on the “Princess and the Shaman” lecture tour, a great debate was created.

In the same year, Märtha Louise wrote on Instagram that she understood that it is provocative that the title of princess is used in a commercial context. She also made it clear that in the future she would only use Märtha Louise in commercial contexts.

However, Durek Verrett has his own website, under the name of Shaman Durek, where he sells the book “Spirit Hacking”, as well as offering several courses.

Verrett has also mentioned Princess Märtha Louise several times on social media and has also attended several public events with the princess.

Although Märtha Louise has stated that she will not use the title of princess in commercial contexts, Lindwall still believes it is problematic.

– It does not matter. Everyone knows that she is a princess in Norway. Even though she doesn’t use the title princess in commercials or advertisements, everyone knows she is Princess Märtha Louise. You don’t need to write that she is Princess Märtha Louise. She is so smart that she knows it.

Lindwall also adds:

– You are a princess and you wear a royal title for one occasion only. It is because you have to work for the royal house and the monarchy. Not because you want to have your side business.

CULTURAL SHOCK: The king commented Durek Verret, Märtha Louise’s mistress. Video: Caroline Vagle / Dagbladet
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– He’s in a process

Recently, the castle has been silent about Verrett and Märtha Louise. They have not commented on the matter since August. Se og Hør wrote earlier this month that there would be several crisis meetings at the palace, where both the king, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Märtha Louise were said to be present. According to Se og Hør, the title of princess of Märtha must have been a topic during the meetings.

In August, King Harald and Queen Sonja met with the press. Then they were asked what they thought of Verrett still using real titles and real terms in his commercial work.

– I don’t think he’s fully immersed in what we mean yet. But we are in a process and this will eventually resolve itself, King Harald said.

– It is the cultural clash that we are noticing now, I believe, added the king.

Dagbladet was in contact with Martha Louise’s manager, Carina Scheele Carlsen. She states that they have no comments at this time.

The castle also claims to have no comment.

Dagbladet also sent a request to Durek Verrett’s management for comment. The questions so far have not been answered.

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