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Preventing Dehydration in Extreme Temperature Changes: Important Tips and Risks

RADARSOLO.COM – Extreme temperature changes where the weather feels hot during the day and very cold at night in the last few months risks triggering dehydration in the body. If it is not anticipated early it can have fatal consequences.

When the weather is cold, we often neglect drinking water. In fact, this is very important to maintain body condition.

“Don’t let that happen. “Even in cold weather, still drink mineral water to avoid dehydration,” said doctor Anggit Budiarto, Friday (8/9).

Anggit explained that dehydration or lack of fluids in the body can have an impact on body health. This is immediately felt by decreasing the body’s endurance.

Lack of fluids also makes the body tired more quickly. Likewise, you are easily attacked by viruses such as coughs and influenza. For this reason, he appealed to the public to continue drinking more mineral water amidst increasing cold temperatures like today.

Also Read: Beware of Body Dehydration in Extreme Temperatures: Cloudy Urine. Get Enough Water Immediately

“The impact of lack of fluids on the body can also cause herpes (characterized by dry skin). “This starts from a lack of fluids which makes the body’s immune system weak, thereby increasing a person’s risk of being infected with viruses such as herpes,” he added.

According to him, mineral water has a very important role in maintaining body health. Therefore, meeting the body’s daily fluid needs is important to avoid dehydration.

“At least one day drink 3-6 liters of mineral water. “Even though the weather is cold, there’s no shortage of fluids,” he said.

If dehydration is left unchecked, over a certain period of time it can cause comorbidities such as kidney stones. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the general symptoms of the body when it is dehydrated, namely starting to experience dryness in the mouth and lips and rarely urinating.

“On the one hand, there is actually a dehydration process, but it doesn’t feel like dehydration (because it’s cold). “This condition can make someone lulled into not drinking,” he said.

Also Read: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle during the Fasting Month: Beware of Dehydration and Stomach Acid

Dehydration can affect all groups with different symptoms. Depends on the severity. So, you have to be wary of dehydration amidst rising air temperatures.

To prevent dehydration, you need to maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS). Continue to eat vegetables and fruit and exercise regularly to increase your body’s endurance. If you experience comorbidities from dehydration, you should immediately go to health services to get treatment as early as possible. (ren/bun)

2023-09-10 02:00:00
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