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Preventing and Treating Cheilitis in Dry, Cold Weather





Entered 2023.12.17 00:00 Modified 2023.12.17 00:11 Reporter Lee Jeong-hee ([email protected])

Lips suffer in dry, cold weather. This is a time when cheilitis can easily occur. In addition to weather factors, cheilitis can occur due to viruses and allergic reactions, so it is best to identify the appropriate cause and prevent it.

Cheilitis is a type of skin inflammatory reaction that occurs on the lips and can be classified into exfoliative cheilitis, contact cheilitis, angular cheilitis, and herpes simplex cheilitis. The type we commonly know belongs to exfoliative cheilitis.

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Exfoliative cheilitis, in which the entire lip becomes chapped, cracked, and peeled, is likely to appear due to cold, dry weather and the habit of putting saliva on the lips. It can also occur if you suffer from a chronic skin disease.

Contact cheilitis occurs when an allergic reaction occurs due to irritation by a chemical substance. This is mainly due to allergies to substances that easily come into contact with the lips, such as cosmetics, toothpaste, mouthwash, and lipstick. The lips may feel itchy or stinging, and if symptoms are severe, pus, scabs, and bleeding may appear.

Angular cheilitis is divided into cases caused by infectious Candida or Staphylococcus aureus and non-infectious cases caused by anemia, vitamin B deficiency, and atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by radial cracking at both ends of the lips, and the tips of the lips are discolored gray-white and thickened. It mainly occurs in older people who wear dentures and have excessive salivation.

As the causes of cheilitis are diverse, the treatment and prevention methods are also diverse. Avoid exposure to aggravating factors such as cold air, ultraviolet rays, and dry environments, and use moisturizer frequently. Additionally, when secondary infection is suspected, drug treatment may be helpful.

In addition to this, you should improve your lifestyle habits such as applying saliva to your lips and biting your nails, and maintain regular eating habits to increase your immunity.

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2023-12-16 15:00:00

#lips #crack #peel #cold #wind.. #kind #disease #cheilitis

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