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Prevent hangovers with milk, eggs, asparagus, almonds, and pickles before drinking alcohol.

Milk that slows alcohol absorption, asparagus that protects liver cells, etc.

Milk prevents heartburn caused by alcohol, and is also popular as a beverage that reduces alcohol consumption if drunk before drinking. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]

As Corona enters endemic, gatherings and drinking parties that have been reduced in the meantime are increasing again. The hangover that comes after a good drinking party is painful. Is there a way to reduce a hangover while enjoying eating and drinking? There are simple foods that are good to eat before drinking alcohol. Here are 5 foods that are effective in preventing hangovers if you eat them before drinking to have a refreshing morning.

Milk slows down alcohol absorption

Milk prevents heartburn caused by alcohol, and is also popular as a beverage that reduces alcohol consumption if drunk before drinking. If you drink a glass of milk before dinner, it definitely works. In fact, milk is excellent for preventing hangovers. before drinking Drinking milk slows the absorption of alcohol. However, people who have difficulty digesting milk should be careful.

‘Egg’ to get rid of alcohol toxin

It’s actually not easy to eat eggs before drinking. However, eating eggs before drinking has an excellent effect on preventing hangovers. In fact, eggs Cysteine, an amino acid that detoxifies alcoholthere is If you eat even one or two boiled eggs before going to a meeting, it is effective for relieving a hangover the next day.

‘Asparagus’ protects liver cells

Asparagus is rich in amino acids. According to related studies, amino acids in asparagus Helps metabolize alcohol and protects liver cellsappeared to do If you eat asparagus before drinking alcohol, you can prevent a hangover.

Indians’ favorite antidote, ‘almond’

The fact that almonds are good for relieving hangovers is not well known. but before drinking A handful of almonds has long been used as an antidote by the Indians.am. Eating a handful of almonds before drinking or drinking almond milk is also effective. If you go to a supermarket or convenience store, you can buy almond oil made from almonds.

Replacing electrolytes with brine, ‘pickle’

pickle’s Salt water is a hangover cureit is possible with Drinking alcohol removes electrolytes from the body, and drinking salt water replaces the electrolytes lost. before being dehydrated by alcohol Pickles or savory snacksIf you eat it first, it is effective in relieving a hangover.

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