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Presidents of Lithuania and Poland arrived in Ukraine

Photo: twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa

Zelensky to meet with Polish and Lithuanian colleagues

Andrzej Duda and Gitanas Nauseda again came to Ukraine together. In December, they signed a declaration with Zelensky.

Presidents of Lithuania and Poland Gitanas Nauseda and Andrzej Duda arrived in Kyiv on Wednesday, February 23.

“After consultations in Poland with Andrzej Duda last night, this morning we arrived in Kiev together to express solidarity with our friend Volodymyr Zelensky. Dear Ukrainians, Lithuania is with you. Your struggle is our struggle. Together to victory!” Nauseda wrote. in Twitter.

The heads of Poland and Lithuania have already arrived at the Mariinsky Palace and are holding a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Recall that during a visit to Ukraine in December last year Presidents of Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania signed a declarationproviding support for Ukraine’s membership in the EU and NATO.

the day before The President of Estonia visited Ukraine They are Caris.

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