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President’s Lawyer Accuses Officials of Setting Up ‘Trap’ After Identity Control Hearing

After going through his identity control hearing, the lawyer of the President of the Republic, conducted the investigation accusing the head of the High Complexity Crime Investigation Department (Divac) and the former Minister of the Interior of setting up a ‘trap’ for him.

While he was being transferred to the prison where he will be remanded for a period of ten calendar days for the ‘Waykis in the shadow’ case, the aforementioned lawman spoke to the media and pointed out it’s just collateral damage in a bigger fight, a fight for real power.

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“I deny all the allegations. If there is something to investigate, it will be investigated, but this is an ambush by Colonel Harvey Colchado, who has called me to meetings through General Carlos Morán, who is my client. That’s why I was present without suspecting that he was recording everything,” said defender Dina Boluarte.

Then, Mateo Castañeda, without presenting any evidence other than his own words, attacked “General Carlos Morán (former head of the Ministry of the Interior) has always been asking me to meet his ‘godson’, Colonel Harvey Colchado. These meetings have been created. Everything was one trap.”

However, when he was asked about the reasons why he would expect to be a target for being fired by the former minister or another politician, the lawyer of Ken- the seat of the Republic as he answered and his figure disappeared among the police officers who were. carrying him towards his prison.

Edgar Barriga denies that he will accept being an effective colleague

After the completion of the identity control hearing, Mateo Castañeda’s lawyer, Edgar Barriga, categorically denied the rumors of his client’s possible effective cooperation in the case of ‘Los Waykis in the shade’.

In statements to Canal N, Barriga confirmed that Castañeda does not intend to take advantage of any effective cooperation and that he will defend his innocence at all times during the legal process.

In addition, the lawyer emphasized the delicate state of health of his client, revealing that he underwent two surgeries last year and is currently suffering from high blood pressure . These health problems may make your situation more complicated during the development of the legal process.

On the other hand, when asked if Castañeda had communicated with President Dina Boluarte, Barriga said that he had not spoken to the president and that he would contact her in the future to consider any issue.

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2024-05-12 01:14:12
#Dina #Boluartes #lawyer #denies #accusations #collateral #damage #fight #Power

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