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President Wen “Without a 2050 carbon neutral shake… Sharing achievements with the world”

Speech at the Climate Adaptation Summit… Declaration of willingness for government action
“Preparation and implementation of small rules…helping developing countries adaptation efforts”
“The 2nd Seoul P4G Summit in May…best as a host country”

– President Moon Jae-in said on the 25th that “Korea will continue to move toward ‘2050 carbon neutrality’, which we pledged last year,” and expressed the government’s commitment to climate adaptation action.

President Moon said in a speech at the opening ceremony of the ‘2021 Climate Adaptation Summit’ held at a video conference that afternoon, “We will establish and implement detailed implementation plans from this year by preparing the 3rd climate adaptation countermeasures for climate-safe countries.” .

He emphasized, “We will come up with small rules of conduct that can be put into practice in our daily lives and promote the’Green New Deal’ that combines digital innovation across all areas of society, while sharing our experiences and achievements with countries around the world.”

“I will also contribute to the climate adaptation efforts of developing countries. By expanding and developing the annual adaptation capacity support program, he said, “We are planning to operate a climate adaptation academy in cooperation with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from this year.” He said, “I look forward to the active participation of the Global Adaptation Committee.” The 2nd P4G Summit will be held in Seoul, Korea,” he said. “We will do our best as a host country to become a place for practical discussions for overcoming the climate crisis and for green recovery, including climate adaptation.”

Climate change adaptation is one of the two pillars of the Climate Change Convention and the Paris Agreement. The Climate Adaptation Summit is a world leader summit dedicated to accelerating actions for resilient climate recovery from Corona 19. The Netherlands held the first chairmanship.

The summit was attended by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, UN Secretary-General Antoniu Guterchs, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Pope Francis, and Bill Gates, founder of Microsft. . President Moon was invited to a high-level opening ceremony.

The summit will be held online for 24 hours from this day, including ▲ high-level opening ceremony ▲ global adaptation center meeting ▲ ministerial level dialogue. Participants will discuss a comprehensive’Adaptation Action Agenda’ to formulate specific efforts and partnerships to respond more flexibly to climate change.


Honorable Prime Minister Mark Luther, Ban Ki-moon, Bill Gates, Krystallina Georgeva, Co-Chair of the Global Adaptation Committee, and the leaders of each country,

In the first year of implementation of the Paris Agreement, I am pleased to join the first summit to gather wisdom for’climate adaptation’.

‘Climate adaptation’ is the wisdom for humans to live with nature and the effort for humanity to live safely from climate dangers.

In addition to past efforts that focused on’reduction of greenhouse gases’, the Paris Agreement defined’climate adaptation’ with all the parties as a key element of’climate change response’, and was evaluated as’a monumental victory for mankind and the planet.’ .

The Korean people have a strong will to live with nature even if they are a little uncomfortable, and they have been proactively and proactively participating in human efforts to adapt to climate change.

Prior to the conclusion of the Paris Agreement, the’National Climate Change Adaptation Center’ was designated in 2009, and since 2010, five-year climate adaptation measures have been established and implemented. Even last year, which was difficult due to the coronavirus, the people and the government will work together to prepare the 3rd climate adaptation countermeasure towards a’climate-safe country’, and from this year, we will establish and implement detailed implementation plans.

Korea will continue to move forward toward the ‘2050 carbon neutrality’ that was pledged last year. Establish and practice’small rules of conduct’ that can be practiced in daily life,
We will promote the’Green New Deal’ combined with digital innovation in all areas of society, while sharing our experiences and achievements with countries around the world.

We will also contribute to the climate adaptation efforts of developing countries. We plan to expand and develop the annual adaptation capacity support program, and from this year onwards, we will operate the Climate Adaptation Academy in collaboration with the Secretariat of the UN Convention on Climate Change. We look forward to the active participation of the Global Adaptation Committee.

The 2nd P4G Summit will be held in Seoul, Korea in May. We will do our best as a host country to become a venue for practical discussions for overcoming the climate crisis and for green recovery, including climate adaptation. We ask for your deep interest and participation in the 2nd P4G Summit.


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