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President Rumen Radev’s New Year Address 2024: Calls for Unity and Prosperity

Minutes before midnight, President Rumen Radev made his traditional annual address.

We cannot develop as a free European democracy with amnesia and political hypocrisy, with corruption and impunity, with censorship and apathy, with the destruction of national sovereignty and denial of dignity, Rumen Radev said in his New Year’s address

“The new year 2024 will bring new opportunities and hopes, it will confront us with important decisions – for us, for our loved ones, for Bulgaria.

Together with the whole world, we Bulgarians wish for the new year to be peaceful and more prosperous than the one we are sending – fractured and torn between creation and the worry that the arrows of history are turning back. A year of intensifying military conflicts, devaluation of human life, of crises and economic uncertainty that affected every Bulgarian home, of an unprecedented collapse of trust in the state.

Therefore, we must not forget that the prosperity of a nation is measured above all by its moral foundations, enlightenment and courage, without which material prosperity is also impossible. The rise of Bulgaria is impossible in an atmosphere of division and war with national symbols and historical memory. We cannot develop as a free European democracy with amnesia and political hypocrisy, with corruption and impunity, with censorship and apathy, with the degradation of national sovereignty and denial of dignity.

We need unity and leadership to strengthen statehood, sovereignty and legality; to preserve the peace and guarantee the security of every Bulgarian citizen; to raise education, science and culture to a real priority; to take irreversibly to tomorrow, to our European future, to modernization and accelerated growth of the economy and incomes”, says the President’s speech.

“In its thousand-year history, our people have overcome all kinds of trials, always found the way to freedom and progress, left a bright mark on the cultural development of Europe and an example of enlightened statehood. Together we have the strength to deal with today’s challenges, to be more ambitious, to dream bolder, to achieve more.

Warmed by the warmth of home comfort and the love of loved ones, in the bright Christmas and New Year holidays, we remember that the invisible bridges of spirit and kindness are more durable than those built by human hands. Our people have always followed the right path – that of humanity, empathy and mutual respect.

Although we are different in age, profession and beliefs, wherever we are in the world, we will always be connected by the invisible thread of the Bulgarian spirit, our national holidays and traditions, the native tribagrenik – a symbol of our unity and sovereignty and the hope for a prosperous and dignified Bulgaria .

Our roots, our home and our responsibility remain here. Under the glow of festive fireworks, let us wish to make it so that the children of Bulgaria do not look for happiness somewhere far away, but find it in the Motherland, which guarantees their rights and opens opportunities for them to develop their talent. To be worthy of Bulgaria, in which the next generations will be able to live fully and peacefully.

May the New Year bring health and prosperity to every Bulgarian home,” the head of state’s address also says.

2023-12-31 22:07:38

#Rumen #Radev #unity #leadership #strengthen #statehood

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