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‘Precious body’ – good liver, bad liver, abnormal fatty liver “If you neglect fatty liver, it can lead to liver cancer”

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‘Precious body’ – good liver, bad liver, abnormal fatty liver “If you neglect fatty liver, it can lead to liver cancer”

[푸드경제신문 이주석기자] Tonight (Saturday the 9th) at 45 PM EBS <귀하신 몸>Episode 30, ‘Good Liver, Bad Liver, Strange Fatty Liver’ will be broadcast.

EBS <귀하신 몸>is a new concept medical broadcast where Korea’s top health experts gather to present customized solutions such as medical diagnosis, exercise, and diet.

If you neglect fatty liver, it can lead to liver cancer… Fatty liver is also a serious disease

Fatty liver is often thought of as a ‘mild disease.’ Even if you are diagnosed with fatty liver after a health checkup, it is often overlooked. In fact, according to research results, 4 out of 10 adults in Korea have fatty liver disease. However, if fatty liver is left untreated, it can progress to hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even liver cancer.

Also, it is commonly thought that fatty liver is a disease caused by drinking too much alcohol, but this is not necessarily true. According to research results, alcoholic fatty liver disease accounts for only 20% of current fatty liver diseases. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (metabolic fatty liver disease), which occurs even when people rarely drink alcohol, accounts for the remaining 80%.

The biggest problem with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is eating habits and lack of exercise.

A method to melt fatty liver that anyone can use revealed

Lee Yong-woo (66), who enjoyed drinking when he was young, but now quits drinking and walks more than 10,000 steps a day, was shocked by his liver function levels being higher than expected after a recent health checkup and started quitting drinking. Jang Gyeong-hwan (33), who likes to drink and rarely exercises, was also found to have severe fatty liver disease compared to his young age. Ha Eun-jeong, 54, was diagnosed with 5 percent cirrhosis, even though she rarely drinks.

Although it was the same fatty liver disease, the diagnoses for the three people were all different. Lee Yong-woo had alcoholic fatty liver disease, Jang Kyung-hwan had a combination of alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and Ha Eun-jeong had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Professor Bae Si-hyeon, a liver disease expert who serves as the chairman of the board of the Korean Association of Liver Society, presents a specific solution to these three people.

What is the only solution to fatty liver disease without a cure?

There is no approved treatment for fatty liver disease. Therefore, lifestyle habits are more important than anything else. In the case of alcoholic fatty liver disease, the first step is to abstain from drinking. After that, you need to manage your diet, do strength training, and do aerobic exercise at the same time. In the case of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, it is not much different. Proper diet and exercise are the keys to improving fatty liver. To improve fatty liver, you need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

According to several research results, losing 5% of body weight can improve simple steatosis, and losing 7-10% can even improve inflammation in the liver. Also, if you lose more than 10%, liver fibrosis, which is the stage just before cirrhosis, can be improved.

The priority in diet management is to reduce 500 Kcal per day. There are ways to reduce the intake of high-calorie snacks and eat 1/3 less rice at each meal.

2-week fatty liver recovery project, what are the results?

The best treatment and prevention method for fatty liver disease is exercise and diet control.

For those of you who are suffering from fatty liver disease, Professor Bae Si-hyun, a liver disease expert, CEO Ji Chang-dae, a sports medicine expert, and clinical nutritionist Ahn Jung-hee came forward.

To lose fat in the liver, aerobic exercise to reduce visceral fat and strength training to maintain muscle strength are essential. It is easy to think that only aerobic exercise is important when it comes to losing weight, but research has shown that the incidence of fatty liver disease is four times higher in those with sarcopenia, so it is recommended to also combine strength training.

In addition, it is often thought that in order to lose weight, one must limit carbohydrates and not eat meat, but in fatty liver disease, it is important to consume protein with low fat content.

<귀하신 몸>Three experts provided daily feedback and intensive management was carried out. What changes occurred after two weeks?

Amazing results from exercise and diet control that surprised even those suffering from liver disease, and even simple and simple liver exercises that can be easily followed at home! All the ways to maintain a healthy liver will be shown today (Saturday the 9th) at 9:45 PM on EBS 1TV. <귀하신 몸> It will be revealed in episode 30, ‘Good Liver, Bad Liver, Strange Liver’.

Photo by EBS 1TV <귀하신 몸>

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2023-12-09 00:00:00

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