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Pre-filled tax return, news on school expenses

The process of “evolution” of the pre-filled tax return. As is known, the pre-filled 730 that taxpayers can download from their tax drawer contains data and information from the most varied sources. THE income, for example, they are calculated on the basis of the data contained in the Single Certifications sent by the employer. The health costsinstead, they are derived from the information provided by the National Health System.

However, it must be said that the 730 online is still perfectible: there is still a lot of missing data, so that many taxpayers prefer to turn to CAAF or accountants. With the 2021 tax return, however, the “gap” is destined to narrow further. As communicated by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, school expenses incurred by parents for the education of their children will also be included in next year’s pre-filled 730.

MEF Decree 10 August: schools obliged to send data

According to the decree of the dicastery of Viale XX Settembre of last August 10 and published in the Official Gazette of August 20, state, joint and local government schools they are among the subjects obliged to transmit the data useful for the preparation of the pre-filled 730 form.

The sending of the communication will be optional for the fiscal years 2020 and 2021, while from 2022 the school authorities will have the obligation to provide the information concerning donations and costs incurred by parents for the education of their children. In this way, the financial administration will be able to insert the data among the expenses to be deducted from the taxes to be paid.

School expenses: what data will the schools have to communicate

As required by Paragraph 1, Article 1 of the “Decree 10 August – Electronic transmission to the Revenue Agency of the data concerning the costs of the school investigation, for the purpose of preparing the pre-filled tax return”, schools are required to communicate, within the term provided by law, “i data relating to deductible school expenses, paid in the previous year by natural persons, with the indication of the identification data of the subjects enrolled in schools and of the subjects who incurred the expenses “.

Among the expenses that state and private equal schools must necessarily send we find the donations, the costs incurred for the canteen and for school transport and the costs incurred for the school trips and school trips.

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