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Practical Ways of Cultivating Vines

Here’s how to cultivate vines. Photo: Ist/Net

How to cultivate vines is not difficult. In addition to channeling hobbies, the large need for this type of plant also provides prospective business opportunities. Moreover, this plant is also suitable for home or garden interiors.

Vines are a type of plant that people often use as ornamental plants, either in a garden or yard environment.

Often we can also make vines as natural decorations for the interior of the house. Therefore, nowadays many people are looking for information on how to plant and maintain vines.

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How to Cultivate Vines

For those of you who are also interested in cultivating vines, you can try it yourself. It is also useful so that the vines in your home do not wither, remain beautiful and blooming.

Here are some ways to cultivate vines that you can do. In addition to hobbies, you can develop this technique to increase your income.

Determine the Growing Land and Planting Media

The first thing we need to pay attention to is so that the vines you have can propagate in the growing field well. You must make sure to place the planting medium as close to the growing area as possible.

You need to place the planting media near the growing field and in that place you sow in the form of soil and humus.

This is very important so that plants can take advantage of the fence wall and can propagate directly on the planting media that you have prepared beforehand.

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Determine the type of plant and make sure it fits the location

How to cultivate vines also need to choose the type. Moreover, the characteristics of many types of vines. There are vines that don’t like sunlight and there are also vines that like sunlight.

Therefore, make sure you first examine the vines that you are going to plant are vines with what characteristics.

If you want your vines to be placed in an open yard or carport, you should make sure that the vines are resistant to the hot sun.

Some types of plants that are suitable for us to plant around the carport include Alamanda, Mandevilla or Thunbergia plants.

Meanwhile, for wall or fence plants, you can choose plants such as Dollars Creeper, Lee Kwan Ye, or Blue Petrea.

Determine Plant Distance

The next way of cultivating vines is so that the vines can grow optimally. Make sure that your plants get enough nutrients from the growing medium. Then you have to optimize the adequacy of these nutrients.

The way you can do to maintain the adequacy of nutrients such as by ensuring the proper spacing between plants.

So that later there will be no nutrient deficiency in any of the plants you plant. Because if it happens, it can cause your plants to stop growing or at worst die.

Give the appropriate propagation media

In accordance with the type, vines are one type of plant that requires a medium to hold on and the right propagation process.

Therefore, the way of cultivating vines that aims to cover the walls of the house, at the beginning of its growth or planting you must provide a propagation medium. Like in the form of wood or bamboo first.

The propagation media in the form of wood or bamboo plays a role in making the plants able to hold on. If the plant is getting taller, you can start directing its propagation on the wall media.

Perform Routine Maintenance

Although some vines are easy for us to plant, you still have to take care of them regularly. This is useful for maintaining nutrition during growth remains in good condition.

Also take advantage of foliar fertilizer once a month by sprinkling it around the plant. The watering technique can be done once a day either in the morning or evening.

Then for the eradication of pests we can do according to the needs and conditions of the plant itself. Usually what we do is generally once a month to maintain the quality of its development.

For those of you who love vines, how to cultivate vines is quite difficult. However, if you manage to maintain it of course the results will be very good and beautiful. You can even develop it for your resale. (R10/HR Online)

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