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Prabowo-Gibran Cabinet Posture Questioned: Will Jokowi’s Involvement Reflect Continuation of Government?

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – President Joko Widodo’s plan to involve President Joko Widodo in preparing the government cabinet posture of presidential and vice presidential candidates (capres-cawapres) number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka is being questioned.

Political expert Ikrar Nusa Bhakti stated that if the plan goes ahead, Jokowi’s involvement in preparing the cabinet structure must be limited.

If not, this could actually invite public questions as to whether the cabinet structure will truly reflect the Prabowo-Gibran government cabinet, or a representation of the continuation cabinet of the Jokowi government which will end this year.

“In my opinion, it should be limited, yes. Why? If it is not limited, then we ask, is this a continuation of Jokowi’s cabinet or Prabowo’s cabinet?” said Pledge in Kompas Evening on Kompas TV, Friday (23/2/2024).

Also read: Not only forming a cabinet, Prabowo-Gibran will involve Jokowi in determining the direction of government policy

Pledge emphasized that the new government will no longer be Jokowi’s era after two periods in power.

According to him, Jokowi’s contribution in bringing the Prabowo-Gibran pair to win the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) did not necessarily give him space to be involved in preparing the cabinet.

“If Pak Jokowi is still given the opportunity to do that, then people will also ask questions,” said Ikrar.

“Does this mean that Jokowi’s government is still a continuation? Or is it that Pak Jokowi is still being given power which can be said to be no longer allowed to be in power. So this is a big question mark for society,” he continued.

Also read: Apart from Jokowi, the heads of political parties supporting Prabowo-Gibran are also involved in forming a new cabinet

Pledge reminded Prabowo to uphold independence in making decisions, including regarding determining the posture of the future cabinet.

“Pak Prabowo must maintain independence in this matter, because after all, this cabinet is his (Prabowo’s) cabinet, not Jokowi’s. This then becomes a problem,” he stressed.

The Prabowo-Gibran camp has started designing the cabinet’s posture in the economic sector by involving Jokowi, even though the vote counting results have not yet been completed, as reported by Kompas.id, Thursday (22/2/2024).

The reason why they have started designing cabinet members for the economic sector is because the situation in the future is predicted to experience quite challenging times at home and abroad.

Jokowi’s involvement in designing cabinet members in the economic sector is because the next government is considered to need a figure with competence and the ability to think strategically in formulating economic policies.

In designing cabinet members for the economic sector, they will prioritize the principle of merit.

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2024-02-23 14:15:00

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